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A member registered Oct 07, 2018

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This has great potential if the ai processing speed could be increased. Has all the elements of something amazing. I wish you the best with this project. Hope you continue its development past gamejam.

No need to convince me. I liked what I played in the end. Will definitely buy it whenever you end up releasing it all. 

The art comes across as amateurish. Primarily the coloring and linework. Reminds me of higher effort drawing in windows paint.

I don't mean any offense when i say that just the first thing that crossed my mind when I saw it. It made me hesitate in trying it initially.

I enjoyed what i played once i got past that mindset and found its charming in a way.

I was a bit iffy on the art when I first found this page but I'm glad I gave this a whirl. Thank you for your hard work. Excited to try the final product whenever that may be.

you can manually change them by editing your save file in the Appdata/Roaming folder

(1 edit)

I think i misunderstood your question. The stuff in Gorn is from prior builds if memory serves. Most of the new stuff I've found is from beating enemies. Also searches caves in the elvish grove etc. At least it was new stuff to me. 

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Are you saying you have only found what Wimborn has? if so doing the mage guild quest line will lead to new weapons or if you need them right away if you go to Gorn (Wimborn Outskirts, Prairies, Gorn Outskirts, Gorn) there are more powerful weapons there but you need to have some gold saved up. Otherwise for early game it would be defeating bandits in the local area which can have very good drops.

Ah i see. Thanks for letting me know.

How do you fulfill the "wants this to stop" desire? Hitting stop ends the interaction but doesn't give any desire point for it.

Sounds great! Thank you and your team for your hard work!

(1 edit)

im also getting this issue. Seems to be from a Side Quest Advance/New day


SCRIPT ERROR: dictionary: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'substring' in base 'String'.

          At: res://files/scripts/person/

SCRIPT ERROR: dictionary: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'replace' in base 'Nil'.

          At: res://files/scripts/person/

SCRIPT ERROR: dialogue: Invalid type in function 'set_bbcode' in base 'RichTextLabel'. Cannot convert argument 1 from Nil to String.

          At: res://files/scripts/

Also off topic. Is there a way to disable some abilities from appearing in the combat menu? Like disabling/hiding Mind Read? I swore I could do it in a prior build.

Cant wait to try this out! Thanks Aric!

Was a great time. Thank you!

Perfect. Thanks :)

Hi. Maybe I'm blind but I don't see this line in the 1.1 version of the mod. in the on line 546 I see:

if person.genealogy[temprace] == 0 && rand_range(0,100) <= globals.expansionsettings.secondarybeastracialchance + sametypeweight:

Its in your mod folder right? under directory:


Closest line I can find that matches yours in the is under 406:

#Sibling Match Relatives

if person.npcexpanded.mansionbred == false: