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A member registered May 17, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hey thanks for playing! No you absolutely didn't play "wrong" our balancing for money was just off haha. The choices are also prepped for different outcomes in the end but we only had time to put in two.

Really cool concept. There should be some kind of timer to keep track of how long the player has survived. I think that would tie together nicely with the gameplay of trying to survive as long as possible.

(1 edit)

Thank you for the feedback. I was planning on having a better menu system, but didn't have the time to make it in time for the jam. I will most likely return and polish this project up in the future. The fog was meant to introduce a sort of difficulty, but I will probably tweak it later in the future to make provide a bit more visibility. The pointer is actually a great suggestion and I'll probably consider adding that once I do polish the project. :)