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A member registered Jul 02, 2022

Recent community posts

No missionary. This new artist has been doing nothing but Doggy style and a lot of the good bits are obscured. Great looking art but missing the mark when it comes to poses, comes off as low effort.

Cuck him

will we be able to buy the full version here at some point?

PayPal plz

Censored? Lmao 1 star, at least give us a patch

Mac please? 

I know all the workarounds if you have problems getting it started, most games require a few terminal commands to get running on Mac.

Mac please?

Did not hit the mark with this one Dev-sama, I hope this game is not dictated by the whims of the few going forward

We really need a gallery 

Been shooting absolute ropes with this one, looking forward to this game big time! 

Oh why was it deleted?!

Honestly, would rather buy at higher price if it meant we don't have to keep rebuying. There are larger games that only do the one purchase for all updates.

If I buy this will I also have to buy future updates as well?

Hope so, it is the mark of a good adult game

Are you on Mac or PC?

Just download the new version and play. On Mac the Renpy game engine has a common save folder.

Hello! Should I buy this game here or on Steam?

I ask this because some creators have to censor their works on steam.

Also If I purchase here will I have to rebuy the game every update?

Thank you

Mac Please?

Am demanding please, will pay any price

Bless your heart, us Mac plebs take whatever we can get

No Mac?

oop, found it

mayhaps we can get some feet

So I'ma buy this, but just wanted to ask, if I pay now will I get future versions as well or?


I'm tired of having to grind to the new content every time the game gets an update 

No Mac?

No Mac?


So when can I see them be used by the public?

Ive tried to find the rumor like 30 times now

So how do I get the mushrooms back?!


Mac does not have "properties" for their apps 0_o

Mac version? 

The steam version still doesn't have Mac option