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A member registered Feb 05, 2018 · View creator page →

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this is probably the most blunt attempt I've seen trying to address this subject matter.

"Most blunt". I feel like that could be a compliment. XD 

It shows no understanding of how people have rationalized progressive thinking in their own minds.

Likely true. I may not even have any idea about that. XD 

I really don't want to make a video about this because I couldn't be very kind.

I don't mind well-intentioned unkindness. So feel free to let yourself loose at it. And perhaps even educate me on how you believe, the infected individuals rationalize things in their own mind.

It could help me add more content to the game, should I ever decide to come back to this.

Oh and, thank you so much for playing Edmund! And for your kind words and review. 

hey there

Hello hello!

i really enjoy your false series and hope to not fall behind

Happy to hear.

is there any possibility that you could port it for mac?

I think I would need a Mac device to port my game. And then test the game on it, to make sure it's working properly. 

I don't have access to a Mac device at the moment, to be able to do that (personally). So it's something I'll have to put off to later in the future, when I'm able. 

(3 edits)

I do not wish my plugins to be a part of this project.


I will however, tell everyone reading this: to stay far away from using any plugin you've made

As per my knowledge, after I released my game, False Narrative. You retroactively changed the terms of your plugins, to say that I can't use them (along with a slander on me in your terms)



And then you used those updated terms to Report/DMCA my game to try and get my game removed. (According to your conversation in DZ & Riggy's discord server.)


^~ This is illegal, as I understand.

I have since not updated or downloaded any new plugins from you. And so my use falls under your older terms. 

So allow me to reiterate: for engaging in this sort potentially illegal and inappropriate behavior of retroactively changing terms on a user, and including a slander of me in your terms (of someone who previously promoted your plugins). I reject your request. And encourage others to be careful in using your plugins. 

Thank you, banned.

Edit: Fixed spelling & grammatical errors (1, 3) and added more proof (2).

Let's say someone does play this and believes it deserves the lowest score. How do you think you're going to respond?

I'll just be happy that another person played my game. 

However Gensun... people like yourself (featured and examplified in False Narrative), should go and review my game in the spaces you've got me banned from. And in front of your sibling, who you brought in to review bomb me. 

Here, in my space, you're banned as soon you speak. 

Haha, that is a joy to hear. 

Thank you playing, and for this fun comment. 

(1 edit)
The constant motion and visual overload made it a little tough to look at.


I know RPG Maker, and I know you can't really interact with events unless you're facing them and you're in a certain position when using non-gridded movement.

You should be able to interact with objects in the game without facing them. The tracking is still off, I understand. And will see to improving it.

Finally, at the end, the story about the girlfriend

The driver, you mean?

had three different message boxes each not refreshing when a message was sent. That was EXTREMELY hard to follow.

This is noted.

I think you did a good job differentiating between your main characters

This is good to hear. Thank you!

you ought to include some purposeful flaws for your characters, so that they actually ARE human.


You might want to stop, using commas in the way I just did in this sentence (to show you an example).

Ahahahahaha. XD 

I'll consider it.

but I don't see making a game-

made a post, and hence a promise. That I would communicate through games, instead of through posts or videos. And this game is a result of that. Of informing the gamers who follow me.

-with your name (and I assume your appearance)
The self-insert along with that makes this a little eerie.

Almost all my games are like this. Including False Awakening where the protagonists repeatedly kills himself inside his dreams. (To better inform you of the sort of games I make.)

from what I assume is Discord chats, message board postings, 4chan replies

Discord & reddit.

murders your faceless bullies on-screen
as you talk to them/kill them
I know you represented slicing them up with the katana as "banning them" but that was not banning. That was killing.

This sounds like what you read prior to playing this game, influenced you. As you are using the exact wording the 'faceless bullies' described this game with.

I completely reject and disagree with this. However, you are free to believe it. 

but you've put yourself in a worse spot after making this game.

I disagree.

 I know you wanted to clap back at the haters and "win,"

Nop. The game doesn't succeed at doing those things, because that was never the goal.

This game was just to inform my followers of some stuff. And when I saw their let's plays. I understood they got the message.

Nothing stops you from unplugging and living your normal life.
I wouldn't make another revenge fantasy like this, were I you.

There are dialogues in the game, that tell you they have been attempting on getting all of my games here, taken down. (This is all before the existence of this game.) Apart from many other things they did, and were successful at some. Which are described in their dialogue.

For you, those may be simply words. For me, they were actions. I know and read their exact methods. The illegal and immoral things they were doing to get my games taken down.

And so I have zero shame for making this game. And informing the players through this, that this 'could' happen. (Just one example.)

I also needed to inform the players about all this. So when they throw my name around (in a positive light), they expect backlash. (Again, this is before the existence of this game.)

This game didn't change anything (I believe), except direct the focus of people from me, to this game. As a game dev, this is great for me and my games.

And so I'm super proud of it. Will keep shoving this game in front of people.

And will do it again if I find it necessary. (I don't see as a big deal, at all. So I'll do it even if it isn't necessary. XD )

Not only was it tough to follow, but implying that real people did, would, or should 

This is the exact talking point, of the people this game exposes. 

This game has no 'real' person. Almost all the real-dialogues, have been edited, mixed from a bunch of people (into a single NPC), pooled together, put in a different context. With multiple NPCs including dialogues from 1 individual.

And so, no. No one here is real. 

A lot of the things said, are absolutely real. The people who actually said them, took real action too. But the people in the game, aren't real. As they are presented as a collective. An amalgamation.

Not only was it tough to follow, but implying that real people did, would, or should kill themselves over this specific sequence of events is a little rough.

While I disagree with your interpretation. Even if we assume it to be true...

They repeatedly told me to kill myself. (Presented in the game.)

Said, that even violence is okay against me, because it's just 'self defense'. (Presented in the game.)

And you have a problem, when I flip the table on them. 

I don't find you to be genuine here.

Or you expect me to be docile, as to just keep taking beatings. Which I find abusive.

It just made me want to tell you it's okay to let shit like this go.

The third ending, is about letting go.

It's important to highlight, that the 'hate' is what I let go. 

If they go around and bother people who say they like my work. And then I take measure to inform my followers about what to expect. THAT, is my duty towards my followers. And not something to let go, or ignore.

The hate? I let go. As portrayed in the third ending.

in making this, you've displayed some genuine talent here buried under all of the issues I described above. Your optimism is extremely admirable, dude, and I wish you all the best.

Ah~ thank you. Thank you thank you. (╥﹏╥)

I don't usually put this detailed of a response, or counter. However, your response highlighted some false narratives about me, outside of the game. So I decided to address them up. Thank you for this opportunity. 

And thank you so much for playing this game, and for writing this review. 


Tridium... I have to correct you...

Turning the graphics down to potato helped, but the motion- 


It's POOTOOTOO graphics!

And also...

TL;DR givin' it a 3/10 on the biased TRIDIUM meter


BASED Tridium Meter!

Haha, thank you for playing Tridium. o( ❛ᴗ❛ )o

Thank you for fighting through the game, with all issues you explained experiencing. 

And it's deeply valuable to me, that you laid your thoughts out here in detail. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!

Happy to!

Buahahaha! Your words got me all fired up! O-(`▽´Q)

Thank you for your kind and encouraging comment, Chickens. 

This is my first game, correct. (^▽^)

About the order: On the main profile page. Bottom right is the first game. And top left is the latest. __φ(。。)

hamburger 🍔( ̄﹃ ̄)


Below, are comments/reviews for the initial release

Above, are made after the release of the Survive Edition of the game. (Feel free to make a new comment if you already played and commented on the initial release!)


Ahaha, thank you for being honest now, Frederick.

It's interesting how this game has been pulling people who always knew about my games. But never played them before.

Wah~ thank you thank you Frederick!

For playing through the game, and for sharing your thoughts on it in this review.

And, I'll do my best to optimize my games even more. So they perform better.

Thank you for playing and commenting Anumania!

Feel free to go into details about your experience.

This was an emotional roller coaster of a review to read through. Haha. XD 

And you say really insightful things here, PARCB.

Thank you so much!

For finally playing one of my games.

And for reviewing and rating.

"You used a 'dreamspace' to depict real quotes from real people after which a depiction of you, a real person, attacks them all."

Ah... what? Are you in your right mind Sawyer?

First you try and say "dreamspace" in quotes, as if it's not an actual thing. When the opening graphical style, is realistic.

And then as the digital/dreamspace begins, it changes the graphic-style completely to support that. 

Then you read an insane amount of chatter about the MC, which includes:

- Pirating his work

- Making false accusations towards him and his work

- Filing reports against them, with the intention to get them taken down

- Making up catchy and insulting names for him

- Probing him and spying on him to get more evidence to damage him

- Downvoting all his social media posts to decrease their visibility

- Getting him actively blacklisted from communities

- Banning him from their own communities, cutting off his access to other devs

- Wishing death on him

- Calling him the worst names

- Encourage shit-talking his mother

- Repeatedly insulting his fans, followers, or any person who defends him for any reason

- Calling the fans cultists

- Review bombing his games

- Plotting to write negative articles to mess up his search results and damage his name & brand

and so much more...

And when the MC confronts the person leading & encouraging all this. She literally reveals "Yeah, I know you're not going to do us any harm. You just make us uncomfortable. So just go away from this place where you spent & contributed to for years." (Not an exact quote. Just giving the idea.)

And when MC does not follow through with her demand. The same person, completely flips. And says to her followers that no, MC is out here to harm them. And gives a call to violence. (That has actually been said, Sawyer.)

So as a mob all come and attack the MC.

He defends.

And you just shortened all the above to: 

"You used a 'dreamspace' to depict real quotes from real people after which a depiction of you, a real person, attacks them all."

Please Sawyer. Never play my games again. 

Because if this is your capacity to understand. And I have to write this long of a text... to correct you to defend myself.

It is better you don't play my games. (Which I know you don't) So I never have to waste time doing this sort of thing ever again.


"Would you feel it was justified if another developer took things you've said out of context into a game where they "ban" you with a katana?"

Sawyer... buddy... they've been doing worse than that. (╥﹏╥)

I didn't name any of them. I mixed, sometimes edited, and distributed those quotes (from the same person) among many NPCs. Making sure the ideas are there, not the person. And I made a game about it. With a story, and some action. 

That's what I did... right now. But what did they do? What have they been doing? 

They took what I said, out of context. Named me, having said those things. Having meant, something completely different. And then use that, to say and do all the above. 


"This is not an appropriate way to address criticism..."

Keep making stuff up, to be bothered Sawyer.

I didn't make this game, to address criticism. I made this game... to deal with the harassment that has been happening to me.

A harassment that has been escalating... and escalating...

I made this game, also because what these people have been doing... has been wasting my time. (In having to defend myself repeatedly, in front of some authority or mob.) 

And since I'm a game dev, and I have to deliver quality games to gamers. And so for wasting my time, I took their quotes, and their plots, and what they've been doing to me... as content. To make this game within 2 weeks. 

I'm super proud of it.

And people who have been enjoying my previous games. Are enjoying themselves with this one too.


"and I'm frankly a little disgusted."

It is the height of narcissism... that people, who have never played any of my games (you). And vocally dissociated themselves from me... (you) 

Suddenly come up, and decide to say they're disgusted of me. Or that they're disappointed. 

These sort of comments only matter Sawyer... if you ever, held a high opinion for the person before. And you had let them know before.

Unless... your comment is not for me. 

And It is to appeal your allegiance to the mob that has been after me. 

Sure... save yourself.

This makes me so happy! 。゜゜(´O`) ゜゜。

Your review shows me, that what I wanted the game to do & deliver... it does.

And that's a relief.

That's SUCH a relief! Haha...

Thank you so much for playing Clockwork. For the rating. And for pointing out the things you have in this review.

Your last paragraph, made me tear up. And the fact you brought up praying...

...the backlash for this game (in the first 24 hrs) was so severe, so overwhelming and so nonsensical. I felt hopeless, and retreated heavily, into prayers. (Something I haven't been doing...)

And that improved my situation, a lot. 

And so, I'll actively do the other things that you suggest. To improve my health even more.

Thank you again Clockwork, for your wise words, and this absolutely wholesome review.

(2 edits)

Stop this person, from spamming the whole website: (link removed)

Getting themselves potentially booted from

It is absolutely horrific what you have done, and continue to do Gensun. 

I just deleted around 50 spam messages, from the person you're trying to speak up for. 

And who you have been constantly encouraging throughout all of this.

You're encouraging someone who is clearly, mentally unwell. And they have said this in front of you, repeatedly. 

They have unlimited time, and are mentally ill. So you're using them as plaything, to encourage and then harass me, and the people associated with me. 

This is just... sad.

(1 edit)

(Context: this user has been spamming similar comments on my posts and games)

This is islamophobia. 

I have not treated any person with disrespect or harm. This individual (and these people) cannot produce a single evidence of me mistreating anyone. But because of the laws of my country (Pakistan) and my religion (Islam) says public LGBTQ activity is illegal. They have been relentlessly attacking me, and harassing me. And saying these absurd things.

All to get attention, claim fake-victimhood, and manipulate people's emotions into supporting them. 

Instead of responding to these people, I made a game on this subject. (Click here) To explain their tactic and their attacks to everyone. That they have subjected me to constantly for a month. 

(2 edits)

(Context: this user has been spamming similar comments on my posts and games)

This is islamophobia. 

I have not treated any person with disrespect or harm. This individual (and these people) cannot produce a single evidence of me mistreating anyone. But because of the laws of my country (Pakistan) and my religion (Islam) says public LGBTQ activity is illegal. They have been relentlessly attacking me, and harassing me. And saying these absurd things.

All to get attention, claim fake-victimhood, and manipulate people's emotions into supporting them. 

Instead of responding to these people, I made a game on this subject. (Click here) To explain their tactic and their attacks to everyone. That they have subjected me to constantly for a month. 

Haha, thank you for playing it twice, Ronald. (⁀ᗢ⁀)

And for the rating, and this comment. 

Thank you so much for playing, Ellie. Also for rating the game, and for taking the time to write this review. (Deeply appreciate this.) 

Hopefully, after reading your review players can go in with more leveled expectations from it. So, thank you, thank you, thank you, for this.

Just finished reading your review twice, Knight Shift. 

And wow... thank you so much for your words here. 

  1. For breaking down the game
  2. For giving your analysis and thoughts on different parts of it. 
  3. And for being this thoughtful at it(Looking deeper and through what is shown and said on the surface.)
  4.  And also, clarifying certain aspects, that may be unclear. For someone who hasn't played my previous games.

This means a lot to me, Knight Shift. Thank you.

5/5 to this amazing review. 

Thank you so much PawpsiCherry, for continuing to play! And happy to hear you're enjoying.

And also, with the way you guys talk, predict things, and share thoughts on what could be fun. It's helpfully inspiring. And gave me a bunch of cool ideas for games and scenes. 

Woah... this is awesomesauce. 

Happy you played through the game, and seemed to be having fun. 

Because I... was having loads of fun, seeing and hearing you guys play it. And as you discussed the topics & ideas being brought up.

And so thank you PawpsiCherry (and 'thank you' to your  friend), for breathing a new life and perspective into this game. With your playthrough. 

Thank you thank you thank you.

by AmalgamAsh
(1 edit)

by thesacredlobo

By myself (no commentary)

by 1Clef2Pieces

~Let's plays~ 

Sharing let's plays of this game 'the thread'

Thank you MegoBari.

- I just fixed the error and uploaded the new build. 

- I also added a new save spot right before the loop scene. And added save file along with the build, so you can continue the game from there. (In save file 2) 

- And another save file, to continue from after the endless loop scene. (At save file 3. Hopefully these save files work for other PCs...) 

=> Thank you so much for playing and helping me fix this error! (It was as you thought. I had to reverse part of the update to fix the issue. You hinting to it got me to fix it quicker.)

Hello Nolan,

I'm glad you found the writing intriguing.

And super happy you played through, and gave me an opportunity to promote this game. As False Mercy ACT I is sort a "required play" for the next game I'll be releasing. 

Thank you so much. 




Every. Single. Animation looks so high quality and beautiful, I want install these right away into my project  (´﹃`)

Thank you

Thank YOU 

THANK YOU for making and sharing these! o(〒﹏〒)o


I watched the archive for the part I missed, and... BUAHAHA! You also reviewed this page! 

Loved your reactions and feedback. And even though in the page's review, you felt this may not be a game you will like. You still launched and played it. Then gave extensive thoughts on what you saw and experienced. 

And that is valuable and meaningful to me. So, thank you Nolan.

I'll consider it when the game is complete. 

Hello Anwynn 

Thank you for playing

And happy you got the true ending. ( ˙▿˙ )

Ah, I didn't notice the comments were off. (I'll be more careful next time.) 

Thank you thank you Anwynn. 

I made some bad decisions with my older games. And so they don't perform well... (T_T)

Thank you for giving it a try and commenting about it Anwynn.