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A member registered Nov 24, 2017

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Me too! I get a brief loading wheel, then a black screen.  Also, the app shows up as "RPG Maker MX", not "Sexy Quest".

Samsung Galaxy 9 SM-G960U1,  Android version 10

Dropbox had kittens over it, direct Google Docs link up now. Cheers!

1) 0.5.12a

2) Windows 7

3) console errors on group sex acts

4) was tested with female + futas, "spitroast" and "spitroast anal" actions

5) seems to also disrupt actions counting down (though doesn't seem to lose them, the timer just doesn't increment

+1 on this topic. I've been able to keep my slaves from being stressed from too much lust, but I haven't found a way to lose the "very horny" malus in combat.

Looking at the code, it looks like an orgasm reduces Sense by 300 (to roughly 700) and Lust by a quarter (to roughly 750 if capped). Maybe if you're doing many continuous actions, you're crossing those thresholds by so much that it ends up stuck in the high range?

Public Entertainer should raise it, a little bit each time. The Bedlah item should also do so overnight.

If that isn't working, check the Bug Report thread and see if it's come up. But that should work (unless it's capped).

v0.5.6a, Windows 7

When in the field, you can cast Invigorate on yourself for free energy.

v0.5.6a, Windows 7

No slaves I capture have any unspent stat points, even if they should. I just captured a level 11 lamia with no points banked.

(1 edit)

Edit: best guess is that I was being derpy with the new interface. Please disregard

v0.5.6a, Windows 7

I'm having some odd potion behavior. I purchased a few potions to my backpack (beauty and hair dye), and used them on slaves I then traded/sold. A few days later, when I checked my backpack, they were still there. Not sure if they weren't properly used up in the first place (though they did disappear from the interface upon use), or if they were somehow refunded when I sold the slave. I'll try to test this further.

+1 for this request. I like to poke around in the code to understand the game better, but no luck with the current build...

raising their skill cap requires raising their grade at the slaver's guild

A quick reminder - since base Beauty is derived from Grade, it can be worthwhile to hunt in Deeper areas for the slave of your pick, even if you'll bust them down to a low Grade. Remember, Beauty is hard to adjust, so accepting a few hundred gold cost to lower their rank pays off!

(1 edit)

If you want rare slaves from the Mountains (like Dragonkin or Seraphs), they won't spawn on their own like most others. For the Mountains, you have to take them from other slavers.

The same is true of Tanuki, in the Elven Grove - they only spawn as part of the Elven Guard.

It's possible to take slaves from slavers or travelers without taking a reputation loss. Remember - word can only spread if there's someone left to spread it.

If you fight slavers, and Capture every slaver that's left, you won't lose reputation. Same for travelers - capture all of them, and no reputation hit. Then just quicksell the ones you don't want to keep.

I'm gonna level with you - I actually really like how the beauty mechanics play out. You have the lab procedure, or beauty potions (which last a long time) or clothing to affect it, so there's quite a bit of flexibility. But the fact that Beauty can only be changed to a point makes higher grade captures that much more valuable, because grade is what determines the base beauty. It doesn't matter if you're going to bust them down to Slave grade - if Beauty is important, you'll probably want to catch a Noble.

I get where you're coming from - so much else is malleable, and it's frustrating to be left to RNG for something that's sometimes critically important (I'm looking at you, Sweet Voiced Nereid). But in a way, I kinda like it.

Well, Jailers count as a management job for the purposes of Tamer, for one. So having a Tamer as your Jailer means they apply to anyone who's Uncivilized.

Otherwise, the Jailer adds (Wits / 10) Health, (Charm / 8) Obedience, and has a (Confidence - 30)% chance to knock a day off of Captured, to everyone in Jail.

(1 edit)

1. v0.5.3.2c

2. Windows 7

3. Because of how encounters are coded, it seems that the only way to find Dragonkin or Seraphs or Gnomes is to attack slavers to steal their catch.

4. N/A

5. Not sure if bug or feature.

Great idea! If there was a chastity belt (for No Masturbation) and a ball gag (for Enforced Silence), then you'd have options.

On a related note, I was pretty surprised when I was poking through the code and noticed that the Pet Suit and Pet Behavior did different, though similar, effects. I can see argument on both sides of that, though, and since Pet Behavior doesn't gate anything like No Masturbation does, it doesn't seem unreasonable.

1. v0.5.3.2c

2. Windows 7

3. It seems that, unless my slave is a Pervert AND isn't Sex-Crazed AND does have Confidence > 40, they're embarrassed and stressed out by not having clothes (nothing in costume or armor), but if any one of those isn't true, it doesn't bother them. Seems odd that it would bother a Pervert to be naked, or that those all have to be true for them to gain stress.

4. N/A

5., lines 659-660

Suggestion: neither Maple nor Yris come into your mansion with sexuals unlocked, even though the events leading up to that have a few different acts each. It would make a lot of sense if they came with a few groups unlocked that match with the scenes.

Suggestion: It would be really neat if a combat victory (maybe under the same conditions that add Courage?) adds just a little bit of dominance. It makes sense, and it adds an element of "having to keep your strong slaves in line" that I think would be great for the game.

Good thoughts. I think we definitely run into "game" vs "simulation" at that point.

On on hand, Sterilize doesn't cause any long-term problems for females to date, so it would be odd balance-wise to have it cause long-term effects for males.

OTOH, the whole idea is "no preggo", so just making it a mirror to the females' Sterilize is conceptually sound.

I was just suggesting a way to fit it into theme, but you're right, IRL that carries some long-term consequences, so I'm not sure it's the right idea.

Since we're talking about a relatively low-tech setting, would it be the right move to just castrate then? In that case, the system could just check to make sure they actually have balls before checking pregnancy. 

Since sterilization is damaging and traumatic, and abortion is either that or toxic, it seem appropriate.

You're totally right. I actually edit the files a bit so I can start as a Drow, with a Drow companion, partially for this reason. Drow + Nympho + Sex Crazed is ridiculously good.

(1 edit)

I think I found this one., lines 63-72 & 187-190, it looks like the stat range for new slaves lets Commoners exceed their caps. Lines 63-72 give the base range a maximum of 65, lines 187-190 gives a commoner up to +15 for 80 total (or 85 for Charm). The same thing happens with Rich slaves and Confidence, with a possible total of up to 90.

Still exists as of v0.5.3.1d

1. v0.5.3.1d

2. Windows 7

3. Had a crash after End Day, looks like a daily event was broken.

4. Not sure, I've had other daily events occur without error.


It would be great if you could disable a sex move, so that you couldn't accidentally click it and your slave couldn't request it.

Thank you! I'll fix the bit about Protect, good to know - I haven't used it enough in play to have noticed. 

I know there are a few things I glossed over, but I'd love to know anything that I actually got wrong!

(1 edit)

I wrote a guide for first-time players. Happy to receive feedback!

(2 edits)

Non-Captured, high Obedience slaves will earn you upgrade points equal to their grade. I usually do mass slave-taking runs.

  • Take 20 ropes, head Deeper and grab every pretty-looking Commoner, or anyone of better grade.
  • Head back to town once I run out of ropes, buy teleport stones to send the Rich and Nobles straight to jail
  • Quicksell the rest, then settle in for a round of slave-breaking. Mostly I throw Fear and Sedation around like it's going out of style.

It would be ridiculously cool if you could do an expensive lab procedure to steal the body of a slave.

  • Get their race, cosmetics, level and attributes
  • Keep your spells, reputation (though maybe lose a bit because it's monstrous, and people wouldn't recognize you)
  • Not sure which way would be appropriate for abilities to go, or tattoos.

It's unlikely to be overpowered because it would be expensive and require a level 2 lab - by the time you could afford that and the procedures, you probably have played for quite a while, whether fighting or earning.

1. v0.5.3.1d

2. Windows 7

3. Downgrading a slave doesn't bring their current mentals down to their new maximums.

4. N/A

5. Not sure if bug or feature.

It would be really terrific if the player got (4 - level) XP. Those first few stat points are important, and it's easy to place them badly, but since the PC only can get XP by combat, it can really cripple you out the gate. OTOH, you can always throw a slave in the library to knock out those first few levels in a jiffy.
If that's intentional and thematic, I'm down - the idea of a slavemaster being carried by their slaves in the early game is pretty cool, too. But I think this is a good idea, since it would only help a little, and only for the first three levels.

It would be neat if the sexuals included fisting. For all the other kinks that are in the game, I'm surprised that it isn't in there (at least as of v0.5.3.1d).

Good to know, thank you!

(1 edit)

Hi there! It seemed like it would be good to try and collect advice for new players in one place, and I didn't see one yet, so I decided to start one!

Buying slaves

  • Slave price is mostly based on two things, beauty and level. Other things (like Captured status, grade, or race) apply multipliers, but beauty and level are the foundation. This means you can get some pretty amazing slaves for very cheap, as long as you don't need them for looks.
  • OTOH, beauty, as well as mental stats, are based on grade - higher grade slaves start with higher values. So while grade doesn't directly affect their beauty (and therefore price), it does affect it indirectly.
  • When you're shopping for cheap slaves, pay attention to their traits. Having a negative trait reduces a slave's price, so check everything before you hit Buy.
  • If you're extra lucky, you can find a cheap slave with a useful Specialization. It's only about a 10% chance, but it doesn't add to their price. Since specializations cost 500 gold, it pays to shop around!

I think it would be reasonable for having 0 energy to give a penalty to Awareness. Right now, as long as you have a good scout, you can go anywhere with no energy without any drawbacks, and I think having to mind and manage energy (rest breaks & supplies, Invigorate, etc) is a really good dynamic.

It would be terrific if slaves got unequipped when they were sold. Can't tell you how many handcuffs I've lost...

I can see where you're coming from. I do think it's neat that you don't have to actually do any slave-taking in order to earn them - you can just wheel and deal somewhat. I'm not sure what to suggest as a substitute, though.

(1 edit)

It's really confusing that the "elven warriors" in the Elven Grove aren't all elves - in fact, it's the only way to find Tanuki. Maybe "defenders of Amberguard" would be better?