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A member registered Jun 14, 2020

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That worked, thank you!

So if I own the game here (which I do), I can also unlock it on Steam ? But how do I do that? (Also, you mentioned that there'd be at least one more update, reworking the early chapters a little bit. Any idea when that will be ready?

From the game's main page:

"Full game removal from Itch - Announcement!

Due to circumstances outside my control, I've had to remove the full game from Itch. You can still play chapters 1-4 as a demo, but you will have to drop by my Patreon or look it up on Steam or GOG for the full game."

Yeah, that's normal. The wording in the itch app could be a bit clearer. Basically, the itch app can only download games that are hosted on the itch servers. Games that are sold offered through itch but hosted elsewhere you have to download from the itch website. 

Looking forward to it! I played chapter one, and liked it a lot. But I wanted to wait until the game was finished before I continued. Excited to read that day is coming soon!

I hope you've figured it out by now, but if not: Instead of using the app, just go to in a browser of your choice (Safari, for example), and download it from there. That should be all it takes.

You're right, there it is! Thanks for the quick reply.

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Hey Redlolly,

Congratulations on getting the reworked Chapter 2 out. You write that "Now that C2R_Final is already available, C1 becomes the official free demo of LC and you can find it in the description of our patreon." But as of today, that doesn't seem to be the case yet. As in, I can't find it in the patreon description. Maybe I'm just dense (could be), but maybe you forgot to put it on there? 

I really enjoyed my time with the original demo (with the old artist), and have been looking forward to trying the game with the new style, so I'm eager to give the new demo a whirl. :-) 

Congratulations on finishing the reworked chapter one! Now that that's done, how regularly do you think you'll be releasing new chapters, and how many chapters do you envision the final game to have?

Good to know. Thanks for the quick reply! :-)

Quick question: if I bought the game here, would I get the same version as on Steam, or are there any differences between the two? Unfortunately, Steam is not selling 'adult' games in Germany, for legal reasons. So here's the only place I could get it. 

Thanks for the quick reply! And fair enough. I have no idea *how* these things are done. But I'll keep my fingers crossed, maybe one day you'll find a way. :-)

Hey HH, this looks fun. Just played the online demo and liked it quite a bit. Do you think you'd ever make a Mac version though? If yes, it'd be an insta-buy. :-)

Thanks for the quick reply! Okay, two years, that gives me an idea. 

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Hey Basilicata,

I think you're selling yourself a bit short. For a first game, this is very impressive, and it doesn't look nearly as bad as you say. :-) 

That being said, I remember you talking about making an 'enhanced edition' one day, once you're done with TableTop. Is that still the plan? And what's your rough estimate of when that could happen? This year, next year, in five years? I'm not trying to rush you, I'm just curious. Because you see, I haven't actually finished the game yet. Took a break a while ago. Now I'm wondering whether to go back to it soon, or wait for that more polished version. (Although, once again, from what I've seen, it doesn't really need that much polish anyway.)

Hi ViNovella,

As it says in the title, I was wondering: if I bought the game here, would I get the same 'Extended Edition' version as if I signed up on Patreon, or is the a difference between the two? I played a little bit of the free version available there, but would like to get the full experience, so to speak. 

Thanks, and keep up the good work!


Hi Eva, hey folks, 

the "full game" sold here, is that identical to the "v1.2" version available on Patreon - in other words, does it contain the two 'DLCs' as well? I stopped being a patreon supporter just before v1.2 came out ...

Thanks for your reply, cheers,


You may not have realised it, but you *can* buy the full version right here on this site. Just above the download link for the demo, it says "Buy now, 10€ or more".

Thanks for the reply, and for the offer. That's very nice of you. I'll be buying it right away then. :-)

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Hey Basilicata,

I know you've said on Patreon that the final version is v0.99 because you intend to one day make a more polished v1.0. My question is, if I buy v0.99 now, will I be able to get v1.0 automatically (whenever it happens)? Or do you think you'll charge for that separately? I've liked playing the free versions (I think I got to v0.7) and I'd be happy to pay you a little something, but I'm wondering wether to do it now or to wait for a future v1.0.

Cheers, and keep up the good work!