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A member registered Nov 22, 2021

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I don't know if it's just me but these combat mechanics are awful. I've tries the headbutt girl in the village 5 times and every time, I move out of the way and keep me finger on the direction button, I just move back and get hit anyway.

there actually wasn't when I first downloaded it. the arrows werent there

how in gods name to I change the damn settings. I can't get it to work no matter what buttons I press

Well, I just finished. so here's my bullet points for future updates.

1. obviously the wife's AI needs to be improved.

2. there should be a bit mor distinction on which area is which.

3. perhaps add a run button or a power up to increase speed temporarily.

4. definitely needs to be more sex scenes.

5. multiple endings would be nice.

all and all good concept for a game, hope to see it get better as time goes on.

okay so for a proof of concept it isn't bad. the physics are good, her tits are nice and bouncy, animation is good. the only thing I can really give are suggestions for the future. add a few more character, Daisy, Rosalina, Bowsette for verity. some different positions other than oral. Mating Press, 69, Suspended Congress, give people the option to pound princess pussy and ass along with the mouth. maybe have a level changer, oh and give the option to have the dick be Bowser's. hope to see more from this.

That was, honestly, a really cute game. I was expecting like video sex and stuff. but this was some really good wholesome fluff about trying to help someone with their sexlife.

oh cool

Okay, I'm confused. I wanna download this game but I can't there's just an HTML file and translation txt file. no actual download button. and when I go to the updates seeing if they have the download button, they just bring me back to the main page.

So it seems like all WASD keys only move forward and I can only turn left with my mouse. hopefully these problems are fixed cause I see a lot of potential.

One thing I should tell is, the music needs a LOT of work. it is just, very unpleasant to listen to.

(1 edit)

The warning never showed up prior though. Also that seems like an unfair difficulty spike.

So after giving it more time, I was able to finally make it to around 4:30 am, problem is, I got a game over not too long after for having too many anomalies, but I never got any notice that I had too many anomalies.

Man this is a pretty difficult game