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A member registered Sep 22, 2023 · View creator page →

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I'm glad you like the temporary power ups! I will be adding a higher frequency to the power ups and also there will be at least one more different kind. I'd hope to be able to add more in the future too!

Thank you for the feedback!

So some of the collectible positioning was meant to be a minor bonus if you happened to use things like the wind inflation spell as a regular smart bomb. Meant to give you a little extra reward instead of only removing enemies. The currency will be balanced in a way to where you shouldn't have to worry about missing them as you can replay old sections to get more currency. I made sure that meaningful item unlocks won't just be randomly hiding in the treetops for example.

In regards to losing shards/power on death, I am going to add a system where if you fall off an edge, you will teleport back up, but it will have a max charge count and you'll get one charge every time you pick up a symbol.

In addition, I'll make it so that on easy mode you have infinite teleports and you just lose a small amount of health instead.

(1 edit)

I think you are right in that it shouldn't dump all your power when you die. I think I will rework it to where when you get extra runes that you get a kind of buffer against death and each death only takes one of them away. That should make it so it doesn't feel bad to die.

I'll look into making it so you just take damage from falling into pits, (Or maybe it takes a rune instead with the implication being you 'teleport back up' at the cost of one) but it's definitely extra to code yes. I'll work on a more immediate solution for the current builds to have the extra buffers in the meantime since that won't be nearly as hard to do.

Edit: I think I will make it specifically so that falling into a pit will take away one symbol, but death as usual will take them all away and then make the player teleport back up to where they fell.

Ok! Thank you for showing me it's an aspect ratio issue. I can definitely fix that. I'll have to look up the numbers on each, but I am sure I can get them all working within reason. Maybe a pixel will be missing here and there, but nothing that would noticable.

Thanks a lot for helping! I really appreciate it!

Thank you for playing it! I'm glad that the controller implementation works as well as it does.

There will be at least one more powerup based form and I will likely add a few more max boob sizes to the symbol system as well. As far as other more permanent TFs, I'll look into what I might be able to do when I am reworking the sprite system to accommodate the increased sizes. Though it's a lot more likely if I do other kinds of TFs that they would follow more in line with the blueberry/boobmilk powerups where they are temporary or semi-temporary. (Though I may add a TF/Expansion form as a spell you can cast) I think the biggest reason for limiting them though is having each TF serve some kind of purpose that keeps in line with the game design itself and won't hinder it.

Anyway, I really appreciate the feedback!

Not a problem! It's good information to have. I'll have to put it on my to-do list having various aspect ratio graphical options!

Thank you very much for your kind words! I will certainly be trying to complete it and there will definitely be more content.

In regards to the slowdown, I think I know the culprits. (Weather effects and lighting) I'll definitely be optimizing.

As for extra 'size', I am thinking I will add more that are purely cosmetic.I have to revamp how my sprites show to make it work, but I think itll be worth it to have more size. 

Out of curiousity, was it the tunnel in the forest area?

Oh yeah that part. I did try removing the exploding mushroom from that part when I updated the game to V2, though if it's still quite difficult I might nerf it a bit more.

In regards to the rune tiers and wanting there to be a higher max, do you mean just the cosmetic element to it? I am certainly considering adding some more tiers that would be cosmetic only. It just requires a revamp of how the sprite systems work for transformation forms.

Oh the save points are whenever you reach a cabin. It should say 'saving' in the bottom left with a little animation. Also you can go into the cabin and use the bed to go back to Milan's room. Then using the book there lets you teleport to different save points. The checkpoints are just for longer individual areas.

I'll have to take another shot at that particular forest area as it seems the most difficult so far.

Thank you for playing it and giving me feedback on it!

Thank you for playing it! I'm going to do some mild adjustments to the difficulty in that specific level for the demo. Seems quite a few people have had trouble with it.

Im gonna do that now. I didnt realize you could add custom tags.

Thanks for playing it! It helps to see how people play the game.

Oh no the engine can support the key binds. I will make modifications to the system to resolve this and update the demo.

You can see your current default weapon (the one you have even after dying) by pressing esc. However, the current weapon I hadn't thought would be an issue. Ill see if I cant find a way to show what your weapon is without adding too many UI elements. I might just add something to Aria physically that shows what weapon she has.

Oh I didn't realize I could set my own custom tags. Ill add a few. Thanks for playing it!

Oh that's strange! I wonder if it has to do with resolution and such. Can you tell me what resolution you have? Any chance you can post or send a screenshot to my email too?