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A member registered May 26, 2022

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I think the second one is bimbo Sarah, which means bimbo new game+ without enslaving or doll-ing her I think?

For both scenes put them in mindless mode and go to the library, then continue the scene.

A quick way I know is to use the Demoman to powertrain Dan until you have at least charm and use boost to get to at least transform, Val taking the hit of only being used for her freeze up until stoneskin. Demoman is easy to handle and if you know what you're doing you can't die to him. Rest whenever you feel like it but generally it takes me casting suppression I hit about 71% energy to get to charm. Rest and Boost up, Val should be either freezing or resting during all this. Then focus on your own Heal until the aforementioned Transform and then use Val to kill Demoman. From this you should have: Heal, Grapple, Transform, Suppression, Confusion, and Charm on Dan and Freeze, Sauna, and Melt on Val. If you'd rather not deal with the combat for that long, when you get home after dealing with Demoman, just spam heal on Val from home. With these you should be able to capture Val if you haven't already, do some of the special captures for Sarah and Julia, though I'd hold off on capturing Sarah for now (see below).

From there go through the base story, make sure to get the heart slime capture request after passing floor 4. Get to floor 5 and find the note for Dr. tiff's class, attend it with whoever you want, then backtrack to do the heart slime quest, after doing what you want with Julia. The heart slime is a lot like Demoman, use it to max out the conversion line until flirt for Dan (or get to trip and shrink if you haven't been spamming heal in your room and charm on enemies), and use this opportunity to max out Julia's main skill line. Heart slime isn't going to hurt much and if you have Val in your team alongside Julia you have a secondary healer to max out a spell line with. From this you should have: conversion, stoneskin, and flirt (maybe trip like I mentioned before) for Dan, which is pretty all the spells you need to do most of the stories for Dan and all at pretty low levels, like not even lvl 3 yet. With this you should have nearly every means outside the mysterious book for plot lines.

You can then backtrack and get Rack's class note for the physical spells for the other party members, then go to floor 7 for Drape's spell line (which can be sprinkled into average combat or focused on for monster captures) and floor 8 for Jane's spell line for party members. Needless to say these aren't exactly critical for story lines

Continue down Sarah's home plot line and capture Sarah's mom at your own pace if you want possession for Dan for the extra fun times

If you want the technical aspect of it all the newest spell of line grants more 'experience' than the last. Heal may be enough to get you to transform easily enough but transform will get you to trip a whole lot faster and always use the spell you just learned on Julia's main spell line to advance to the next one. When the wiki was up, it used to have the actual point value for each spell, but hopefully this small guide will help in it's absence.

I'm having trouble finding out what all is in the newest update, version .68. Can anyone help me out?

(1 edit)

Posting this for anyone who has trouble in the future:

After completing the Bimbo World, start it up again. When you come to the scene where Val is about to transform Ms. Rack into a bimbo, choose to interfere. Doing so causes Val to make Ms. Rack give Dan a tit fuck while she runs off, completely naked.

Both Val and Ms. Rack are now stuck in their Bimbo personalities and cannot change back without starting a NG+.

Heading into the streets causes a short scene in which Val briefly turns Sarah into a bimbo for an hour.

After seeing this scene, head into the item shop and you'll see Molly get transformed into a bimbo, before Val runs off. Speak to Molly and she'll suggest you visit Dr. Tiff. 

Heading to the school, another scene plays out. This time, Val - wearing clothes - transforms Cassandra into a bimbo. Yeah. The one who boasts about her magical defense is transformed into a bimbo. That... can not be good for your health. I think. Val says that Jane wants to meet you, but Molly said that Dr. Tiff wanted to meet with you... Let's go with Molly's suggestion first.

Head to Dr. Tiff's room and speak to her. Dr. Tiff will remark that you're off somehow, but the protagonist will claim s/he is fine. Dr. Tiff tells you to shut up so you better just be silent and obey. After you're done, head to Jane's room. Now, Jane's room has two routes depending on what you did.

If you never visited Dr. Tiff, Jane will hypnotize you (no, I don't know if she has a spell for that) in order to let your guard down.  If you did get Dr. Tiff's help, the protagonist won't get hypnotized by Jane and instead confront her, asking what the hell is going on. Jane will explain that she saw Val nude and thought... well, that's not very good. So, she gave some of Val's intelligence back, causing a massive backfire, where Val randomly runs around and transform any woman she sees into a bimbo. Now, you have two options. The first is heading to the library and the other is heading straight to the dungeon.

If you head into the library, you'll find a note left by Julia, who says she headed to the first floor of the dungeon and headed east. If you fixed Ashley, the note will mention that Ashley is with Julia, too. Oddly enough, there's a kiss mark at the bottom with the word "Thankies" written. The protagonist remarks that s/he didn't think that Julia used lipstick..Heading to the first floor of the dungeon, you'll run into Val, who is riding around on Dr. Tiff, with Ashley and Julia both being nearby. All four women are completely nude and Val is about to snap her fingers, presumably to transform someone else (read: you) into a bimbo. Remember that I said you should go meet with Dr. Tiff earlier? Yeah. This is the exact reason why:

If you got help from Dr. Tiff, you'll be given two options: Yes and No. If you didn't get her help, both options simply say Yes.

When given the option, choose "No". Val, surprised, will be confronted and you'll be presented by another option. Either allow her to bimbofy safely or deny her bimbofication privileges at all. Choose the former for an affection boost and then finally head back to the Protagonist's room. There, Ms. Rack (who will still be a bimbo) will say she likes being a bimbo... before changing back. If you want her to remain your slave, make sure to assert dominance. Otherwise, she'll fuck right off and you can't re-enslave her (might be possible with the Book? - someone feel free to confirm this for me).

Regardless, Val will remain your slave and you're free to change her into any form you please. However, if you change her into a bimbo again...