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A member registered Jun 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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Oh I loved the art style and the gameplay. I love fast paced shooters

I could leave the keypad view, but I didn’t get a mouse cursor when I entered it. Maybe it’s because of the sandbox I played it in? I’ll try again in a few hours.

That is one gorgeous game! So peaceful and relaxing, I needed this after the jam.

Well I just love fast shooters. Movement felt good, shooting felt good, although I feel like my shots should’ve hit sometimes when they didn’t.

(3 edits)

~~I’m not gonna rate it for now because the code panel was broken for me. Whenever I pressed E on it my mouse would just stop and I couldn’t select the numbers.~~
But I like the concept. My only suggestion would be to make the hand easier to catch. It was too fast and its hitbox was too small in my opinion, it made running after it a bit frustrating. The visuals are cute too.

Update: managed to play it through, cute game.

I’m not gonna rate it, because I couldn’t get past the average 7kg oscilloscope. I didn’t get a digital checklist after I scanned it. I feel it would be unfair if I rated the game after not being able to finish the tutorial. But the game is really pretty, the assets work well together, that screen shader looks very nice. The only thing I don’t like is that it used my windows username for the ingame name, I would’ve preferred to type it in the game myself.

Well I absolutely loved this. A cute story-driven rpg with a unique and memorable art style. My only critique would be that the door hitboxes were too small and difficult to hit. I always had to back up a bit once or twice before I could press Z. Other than that it’s a lovely game.