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A member registered Jun 15, 2017

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Actually nvm he could've been serious, you can never tell these days

I meant it wasn't a particularly funny one, wasn't arguing whether it was a joke or not.

It seems we are both correct.

With who and why?

What did you say in the last comment?

Wait really it's his fault? Are you sure? I read a comment on the older page saying it was because of a chinese game named Yomi, so Ig I need a source.

Why the name change? :(

Why the name change?

Nah it isn't.

I can't think of any possible logical explanation to this, so if you have 1 I'm all ears dude.

And another thing if words could be copyrighted, we would've already ran out of names (or at least some decide to copyright words while others don't [still wouldn't explain why Trek to Yomi is still named like that while this one had to be changed]).

? What no?
Hopefully not.

There's literally more than 1 game named Yomi, and they're all older than this one, by your logic then there should be only one named Yomi, yet there's more, and I'll give you examples:

So why is it that both of these games are up but this one had to be renamed? (at least the second one should be renamed since the first one came out in 2015 while Trek to Yomi came out last year).
"There is absolutely nothing dumb in that.", my guy yomi in japanese means underworld you can't copyright words, literally everything about this is dumb.......
So either do your research and give me an explanation that makes sense, or don't talk at all.

But yomi means underworld in japanese, isn't it forbidden to copyright (or trademark or whatever) words?

By what? And really? I was under the impression that you can't copyright words (yomi means underworld in japanese).

Really? Ty for the answer altho that's very dumb, yomi is a japanese word meaning underworld so it's weird it got copyrighted, afaik you can't copyright words, oh well (even tho in this context yomi is used as an acronym, but it should still apply), copyright law sure is dumb and needs a remake.

There's another game called Yomi on Steam, yet that one hasn't been renamed lmao, dumb copyright shit.

Why did he get copyright striked???

Same, I hate all kinds of RNG in Multiplayer games (I still like Hearthstone tho), but I'm fine with it for singleplayer games mostly.