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A member registered Jul 11, 2022

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Booba? :3

Do you plan to have any sort of like, post-vore gains? :3 love to see some extra curves if you catch my drift ^-^

Would there happen to be post vore? Like seeing what the bodies look like after having finished digestion?

Loving what youve done so far Kal! Just wondering...will there be post digestion scenes at all with gains to show for it? Seeing a pred get curvier/thicker from a meal is big thing for lots of folks, and I know from your works that you make some REALLY good post vore stuff, all love and Amazing job!

Really sucks this got abandoned, was always checking back to just see if HOPEFULLY we got some new stuff, havent seen anything else like it so far but now that hope is gone :<

 I must know! I REALLY hope theres more added to the broken watch ending where they keep growing, seeing just one gal get to that massive point is nice but was relaly hoping to see the others too...heres to hoping!

Do you plan to have any of the girls grow thicker from the vore scenes??? Loving the game so far <3

I really hope more weight stages become available…

I’m hoping we eventually get to see even more stages of Sabrina! The thicker the better ^~^