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Sin Shadow Fox

A member registered Apr 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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Nvm, found it. Apparently it's called Outpost 2, not Outpost.

Still looks a little weird though.

That appears to be a steam link. This is, not steam. If you have a relevant link or a GOG link, then that would be appreciated, otherwise this game is the only relevant one to BananaDog1218' Outpost.

It's not talked about a lot (unfortunately) but yes, steam is responsible for on-platform harassment, monopolization, illegal gambling, FTC violations and a slew of personal and class action lawsuits for unfair business practices. And that is just the tip of the iceberg.

In fact one notable thing that happened fairly recently is the legal requirement for companies to explicitly state that if you are not selling a perceptual license, that you state so clearly in any purchase. Which steam has still not complied with sufficiently.

GOG even clowned on steam by putting a tasteful message in every GOG purchase extolling the fact that every purchase of a game on GOG's platform is permanent.

All of the animations have this sort of hologram effect and it keeps telling me to scan something with my phone but won't tell me how.

Given Steams negative reputation, Itch would have been a better option. At the very least GOG. I'd love to play your game but i will not get involved with Steam in order to do it. Sorry.

(1 edit)

This looks very different on Real Civil Engineer's channel

Same. On Android talking to NPCs is next to Impossible, and the chicken minigame is actually impossible.

You need WinRAR or 7-Zip in order to open the file.

Huh . . . I didn't know it was an amount of corruption kind of thing. I guess just having 60 corruption is enough to get by. Well, thanks to this, I've been able to get far enough into the story to get every ending and every unlockable. The only thing I'm curious about now is why the rogue ending is called Omega-1. And why there's an exclamation mark above one of the auction endings.

Doesn't doing lewd stuff like peeking at Ava in the bathroom increase your corruption?

No, remember my other comment? About being forced to offer both myself and Ava to the tiger?

But won't I get caught by the tiger again if I peek at her in the showers?

How do I get Ava's affection up to 80%? I can only get it up to 70%.


Sorry Ava, but for the sake of our survival, I must ignore your glorious sheath. *takes a moment of silence to mourn this loss*

I can't get past the tiger. Whenever he shows up the second time, I'm only ever given the option to offer myself an Ava to him. How do I kick his ass?

Last second cram studying, porn version.

Bu dum tish.

 . . . How do i pause? Does it save when i close it?

Exponential math tends to do that to most games lol.

There are actually two android versions. One works (0.27.1) and the other does not work (0.33.1). They're both patreon versions.

Where do we use the ghost costumes?

As it's a patreon exclusive, uploading it here would technically be theft. You can sign up to pasty's patreon to get access to it.

How do you reveal the butt plug?

An apk of this game would be really nice as the "play in your browser" option cuts off half the screen either horizontally or vertically depending on the orientation of your phone.

There are two android versions. One works (0.25.1) and the other does not work (0.33.1). They're both patreon version.

There are two android versions. One works (0.25.1) and the other does not work (0.33.1). They're both patreon version.

There are two android versions. One works (0.25.1) and the other does not work (0.33.1). They're both patreon version.

There are two android versions. One works (0.25.1) and the other does not work (0.33.1). They're both patreon versions.

There are two android versions. One works (0.25.1) and the other does not work (0.33.1). They're both patreon versions.

There are two android versions. One works (0.27.1) and the other does not work (0.33.1). They're both patreon versions.

Your ass. Every dilf loves a good ass.

Seeing as this is a PC title that isn't associated with any gaming platforms yet i seriously doubt that. Also who cares about gamerscore in 2024?

A: I don't believe that's all they do and B: There is more to collecting achievements that getting rewards.

What do you mean "whatever i say"? Your the one that said i don't need achievements if i don't care about combat and strong character. I don't see the correlation between the two.

That doesn't make any sense.