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Sinjur J

A member registered Jun 15, 2020

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There is obviously very little game here. I am sure that you are aware of this and did this purposefully, so I won't focus too much on it. I do however think that the idea would be a lot easier to judge if there were a few more situations to test it out on, especially with regard to the defense die.

I also wish to mention that it is incredibly difficult to move the pips. It is also rather awkward that there are pips with numbers. Shouldn't each pip be one, just like on real dice?

Moving on to the concept, I do like the idea. Being able to visualize stats in such an easy and intuitive way is appealing, but I truly believe that this isn't necessarily the way to do it. Why dice? I am aware that the prompt required the use of dice, but, other than that, it feels like there is no real reason for the stats to be represented by dice.

I do like the most basic idea, but that's honestly about it.

I really like the concept of this game. Being able to change any side to any thing makes for rather interesting gameplay and strategy. I can easily see this expanded upon as a quick mobile game where one can grind out a few puzzles in between obligations. It reminds me of the block flipping game (whatever that's called), where it is very simple but easy to learn and can be expanded upon into practically infinite levels.

Unfortunately, three faces is simply too few. I managed to get through quite a few of the levels with a die that was just six rock faces because I never lost enough life to papers that the weakness mattered. I think this would be a lot better with five faces in the style of something like Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock. That way I couldn't just tank through levels. Making same face matches hurt or lowering the amount of health given might also fix the issue.

The only other issue I had was that I found it difficult to tell what I was doing to my die. Maybe I was just missing something, but I felt it would be nice to be able to pan around my die in full 3D so I could really understand where the faces would land when I moved.

I liked the graphics and music as well. I see you didn't make much of that, so I don't want to focus on them too much, but they did give a pleasant puzzle game vibe that I could easily see fitting in with other puzzle games, many of which likely had a lot more than 48 hours put into them.

I honestly think that's the best way to describe what I think. While I do think there are issues, if I saw this game for .99 on the Play Store I wouldn't question it at all. It plays well, it's easy to learn, and it can easily be expanded into something more competitive with leaderboards and such. What more could one want?

As much as I like the idea, I don't know how much it adds over standard Rock, Paper, Scissors. Rock, Paper, Scissors is an inherently random game with no real sense of strategy. As such, I do like the idea of adding strategy to it. It is interesting to be able to think through what the other person might do with their different point values. Will the person put their strong rock on three with the risk of me putting my paper there, or will they instead use their lower strength paper thinking I'll use my rock? But then there's the problem: just like Rock, Paper, Scissors, I have no idea what the other person will do and the other person has no idea what I will do. While there are more mechanics, there isn't really any more strategy.

Other than the base idea, I do think the controls should be more clear. Maybe it's just messing up controller inputs, but it still took me a while to understand what the buttons were, especially with the use of PlayStation icons over the more standard Xbox lettering and the low resolution.

I do like the music, but it says you didn't make that so I won't dwell on it. You made good choices on the audio.

The graphics are pleasant. Everything looks good and I can definitely see this looking good on a hypothetical physical Pico-8 system. I think that the UI could be clearer just like I said regarding the controls, but the game looks good nonetheless.

Overall, I enjoyed the game. I do like the idea and it is a fun twist on the initial prompt. Unfortunately, doubling the randomness doesn't make the game less random, and I just can't see myself preferring this over standard Rock, Paper, Scissors in most situations.