I had a rather disappointing bug during Yara's reward scene, as you can see below. I was in Windowed mode, but changing to Fullscreen and fiddling with other settings didn't remove the black box covering the entire scene.
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I had a bit of a sequence break (sorry I didn't make exact notes on the quest names); after I'd gone through most of Naomi's story, I got an activity for her to interact with Blair in the living room in the evening; problem is, this was the first time I'd seen Blair's name. I hadn't even started having dream options for her yet. When I was in the appropriate time and place, the scene triggered (with a black screen for the first couple of dialogues); my first interaction with Blair was Naomi bothering her to have a sparring match. Her name was ??? in her title, as an un-introduced character, but the dialogue referred to her as Blair clearly.
Loving this game, easily some of my favourite writing and characters from almost any adult VN I've played. Keep up the excellent work.
Enjoyed this game a lot! Really looking forward to continuing.
Was wondering about some of the things in the character cards; are all of the tags/titles and costumes for all characters unlockable in the current version? I'm missing a costume for both Jessica and Gwen.
I stuck to being very nice in my playthrough, are some things gated behind making the Cruel choices?
Bug: After taking Kali on a date (at max affection/all stats maxed out; day 300ish) and being back in her room, she proposes a blowjob. Accepting doesn't transition to the new BJ animation; it runs through the dialog, offers the Inside/Outside option, and finishes without any visual change.
Can ask for a Blowjob from the sluttiness options and see the animation without issue, just seems to be the post-date script that's an issue.
This has actually been bugged since 13.2 ( I made a post in the Patch Note comments at the time); Autumn's Event folder in the PC stays a Locked folder icon after completing the event, so the pictures are inaccessible.
Honestly can't wait for v14, so excited to see the next part of Autumn's story in particular.
And the rest of the girls, in particular. They're all my favourite, I can't lie.
My sincere hope is that she continues to struggle to rationalize her faith and her desires, and tries find a loophole, (the way that a lot of religious girls apparently do), at least for a story beat or two. Locking the story chapter in which she loses her actual virginity behind her having the Buttslut achievement would be profoundly funny to me.
After downloading the 13.2 update, I noticed that Autumn's 'Event' photos were inaccessible (file icon had reverted to 'locked') in the PC.
I loaded the same save in 13.1 again and found that the folder was still accessible.
This is a save on day 295 with practically everything doable already done. I assume there was some kind of change to that event in the update which might have messed up the flag?
Okay, that's weird. I did definitely fuck Lucy the first time she asked, but I just don't recall ever seeing any other prompts to continue with her (I kept going down to the hotspring while she was there in the evenings, but all she did was say hello and that was it; similarly when I talked to her in Kali's room, there was an option for Utility Room Sex and that was all there).
Planning to start a new playthrough once you release the next patch anyway, and going to make sure to really get into training them girls as soon as possible; So thanks again for all your efforts, big fan.
This is genuinely one of my favourite games that I've played... I was going to say this year, but it's probably in recent memory. And certainly the most satisfying porn game I've ever played. Runey, all your effort here, it's just... *chef's kiss*
One question I have (I've only gone through one playthrough, and not even finished yet, but...): Lucia's scenes are still 0/5, even though I've completed Kali's storyline (Kali best girl, fight me); from what I can see, the only way to start Lucia's story is by one beach scene with Kali, which requires Kali to have the exhibitionist trait. Otherwise, you just have to use a cheat code to unlock her. Is that correct?