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A member registered Aug 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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yo heads up if you get hit while attacking you freeze

(1 edit)

I apologies for the lack of tutorial


controls wasd for movement or arrows

space to use leftmost item(shoot arrow for starting build)

q to swap two held items

explore the map kill bosses and buy better loot and when all is done find the dragon of the west and save the town.

information not in the tutorial

the game has 3 bosses you have to kill 2 first one in the south and one in the north. if you want direction search there first.

when both are dead a dragon will appear in the west.

enjoy :)

alright controls time;

wasd is to move you can also use arrows if you'd like.

space uses your current item (the leftmost one)

(holding space with a weapon allows you to preload it before shooting)

pressing q will swap your items 

current goal atm is to kill all the bosses in the area teh slime and the wolf

glhf :) 

k the game is pretty simple atm there are some rooms with enemies in them and you can control a character who has 2 arrows.

(disclaimer there is currently no core objective just teh ability to move around and shoot some guys)

you control with wasd for movement or arrow keys if u prefer and you shoot arrows with space.

your arrows are a limited resource so pick them back up after shooting them to shoot them again

um well you see fortniteamongigachingus the game was submitted and is called among but unforstunatly due to ur high sus levels you have been voted off the island 

noice game u win :clap

this game is Pog

Wow this game is the best

this is the best game ever