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Sir Death

A member registered Apr 30, 2017

Recent community posts


Are you planning on making a mode where you can disable some zombies, such as the purp zombies and crawlers?

I have a quick question: Since NO ONE has said anything about the giant zombie, can you show a small video of it or tell us which round its on? thanks!

WOW! I am so happy that you have not abandoned this game like many devs. You are one of the few indie developers that will actually listen to their fans and respond. This game keeps getting better and better! P.s. do you have a release date for multiplayer yet? It would be awesome for me and my friends to play                                                       together.                                                                                

                                                                                                                                 -One of the many fans                                                                       

       Hey! I love your game, I think it's awesome! I have been playing this for the past few days and have a couple suggestions: 1. Can you make it more clear that turrets and other things can only go on beams? Or you make it so we can place turrets and stuff like that on armor plates. Keep up the good work! :D

THIS GAME IS AWESOME! I honestly don't know why it isn't that popular right now. This is my like, my new favorite game. I haven't experienced any glitches or bugs, but I have a couple questions: could you tell us how to place sentry turrets? And it would be nice if wall jumping was a bit better. Keep up the good work!