Looking to add more gameplay stuff next update, I'm working on a couple other projects at the moment though, so 1.9 might take a while longer than this update took.
Thank you for playing my game, Operator. <3
All the textures are 128p, 256p or 512p. All the models have less than 800 vertices. For example, the fox mesh has two texture maps, one for his head and one for his body. Both of them are 256p. The body texture is only 8kb because it's fully opaque. The head texture needed an alpha channel for the whiskers. So it's around 16kb. I think the Engine part of the packaged game only takes like 200mb of space.
Skies Of Blue is a Platformer-Puzzle Game where you go from level to level and beat a boss every 20 levels! Every 10 levels a new feature get added! Check it out here!