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Sistine Disco

A member registered Apr 16, 2016 · View creator page →

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Awesome video! Love the MGS sequence! haha

Thanks for checking out the game!

Thanks so much for checking out the game and taking the time to make a Let's Play video for it! Glad that you liked the aesthetic and overall atmosphere of it!

Thanks for feedback! It seemed like most players have been struggling to escape after Convincing enemies so I decided to increase the amount of time given to escape after "battles" and also reduced the enemies' detection range, which should hopefully make it less frustrating to sneak around the apartment. These changes are included in Version 1.2, which I just uploaded!

Sorry to hear that you've been experiencing problems with the controls!

I haven't encountered the issue you described in my play-testing, nor have I been able to intentionally recreate it for debugging purposes. However, I did find a similar error I previously missed in which B0rk's scripted movements in some of the cutscenes could be altered if the arrow keys were pressed at the same time. This sometimes resulted in the player getting stuck in impassable areas with their movement restricted. It's possible that this error was what caused the issue you experienced.

An new version of the game has been uploaded that fixes this problem. If you or any other players continue to experience issues with the controls, please let me know!