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Sisyfos Tango

A member registered Feb 21, 2018 · View creator page →

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I am flattered, but I honestly think it was more luck than skill. I had some strange texture issues too, where a lot of the plants would have a clear, square black background when I shone my flashlight on them, so I assume the game was bugged out a bit.

Going in for another run soon, hoping to see if I can run into the monster!

(1 edit)

I don’t know if the game bugged out on me or I was just exceptionally lucky, because I found all five people and made it out without meeting any monster at all: on my first go too. Amazing PSX graphics adaption, though, and the sound design was very thorough too.

I have to play it again, though, to see if I can meet this fabled monster all the other comments are talking about.