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A member registered Jun 06, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much for the lovely feedback! <3

 You are absolutely right about diversity in the portraits. After uploading, I also had the thought that there were too few male characters and different ethnicities represented. I will change a few of them. I would have preferred a completely individualised character creation, but Twine and my skills don't allow for that yet.

The flickering of the background images is indeed a nuisance that I haven't solved yet. The images are already scaled down, but they do not load in the browser for a smooth gameplay. I have tried to counteract this with a preload function from chapel. Unfortunately without any visible success. When you say you also had this problem, did you find a solution for it?

Nevertheless, I'm glad you liked it and I hope the following chapters will do as well:)

Oh yes, I will fix this problem today. It will be removed with the next patch :) Thanks for the reminder.

That's so sweet, i'm glad you liked it :)