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A member registered Feb 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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Very good game! The creature was terrifying and the story was pretty interesting! Combating the creature is easily understandable, but some footsteps would help. Good work! 

The initial scare got me pretty good, other than that, the game leaves a lot of questions. Could see it being interesting if there was more elaboration into the happenings inside the house; if you plan to expand, its a good start. You nailed the thrill of being chased though!


This game isn't bad! Aside from it suffering from the protagonist being EXTREMELY oblivious just to progress the game, the story was clear and the scares were good and unexpected. Would be interesting if you elaborate more on the lore parts of the story, but a decent start nonetheless.

(3 edits)

Cool little game! I can see a lot of similarities/inspiration from FTF and the jumpscares were pretty good! Only gripes being the grocery list part seemed unneeded, and checkpoints closer to the part you can die would be better. Not a bad game, keep at it!

This game is awesome! It was interesting to see you guys step away from normal killers and explore the possibilities of monsters and entities in your style. Second half of the game had me on edge, excited for the sequel/full game when it releases! Great work from everyone involved.

The amount of turns this games takes left me at a loss for words.. and the jumpscares got me. Definitely very random but I was invested to see what happened- and the last note freaked me out a lot. Keep up the work, this one was pretty alright!

The games you make always have such interesting concepts.. and somehow are scary at the same time. I was so freaked out when the creature first revealed itself- good work, as always but WOW. 

Fun game! I like that it had multiple modes, and the stress was really getting to me between each round. Only thing I would suggest is showing some of the controls, like how you can zoom into the monitor, but the game never tells you. Good work all around!

Originally played Within, glad I went back to experience this one! Space based horrors are always awesome, and you guys had the perfect blend of storytelling, exploration and intense scares where they mattered. Excellent work, can't wait for your future games! 

Sick first game! I would've thought you made things before this if you hadn't stated otherwise. Very jumpscared heavy, but they were all good and not forced. The atmosphere was top notch too! I look forward to the future Nightmare Files!

This game was cool! Had more story than I was expecting, and had no idea about the creepypasta before playing. Ran smooth and the voice acting was a nice touch, and the jumpscares definitely got me. Nice work!

A little late, but I will always love this series. I appreciate that you guys made a faithful remaster with this updated style, it suited it well! Got jumpscared way more than I thought for having seen the game before. Mr.Hopp's 2 HD soon? Thanks for the games, and great work! 

Awesome game! Puts you in a creepy atmosphere, has an intriguing story, puzzles to keep the player thinking, and a terrifying monster hunting you down all at the same time. The set up from chapter 1 helped compliment this awesome story, and made each reveal more and more interesting. The Wolfman's stomps are absolutely horrifying! I always love your works, looking forward to the next! 

Great demo! Showcased an intriguing story, played off a typically scary atmosphere, and had good scares and tension! Awesome to see another game this good from you, especially as a solo developer. Looking forward to the full release! 

Notebook Entries 2 about to awesome!

Little late to this one, but a fun experience! I didn't get too far due to time, but I had fun and honestly it was just great to play one of your projects again, legit had me smiling. I'll be back to finish this! Great work as always friend.

Cool game that tells an interesting story! The concept of a killer setting up scenarios for the protagonist to complete is pretty cool. Excited for part 2, good work Spring Rabbit!

I love this game! Everything in the game has a purpose, from the people you encounter, to the rooms you enter. I also loved how you added and changed things from the demo, to give a fresh experience to those who played. The jumpscares are great, the atmosphere leaves you scared to do anything, and the plot twist is amazing. Great work! I'll be looking for your future projects! 

This game is amazing. Good gameplay and flow, with replayability, a genuinely scary atmosphere, and a terrifying monster to back it all up. Excited to see what Chapter 2 would bring, though I didn't beat the game just yet. Great Work! 

This game was nice! Simple concept, kept you on your toes, and the jumpscares definitely got me. Good Work! 

I remembered this game existed because of your success with Lethal Company, finally got to play it! This game is terrifying and the different modes always adding something new for you to look out for, keeping each encounter fresh. I like being able to get tips every 2 times you die as well! Very cool game, and best of luck in your recent ventures! 

I was taken aback playing this out. One of the most incredible and irreplicable games to ever exist. Amazing story, unique style, great soundtrack and chilling atmospheres. This saga has quickly made it onto the list of my favorite games ever. You guys at New Blood and Airdorf killed it. Awesome work, I'm waiting eagerly on chapter 4!! 


Glad i finally got to play this one! Really creeper and uncomfortable feeling, really gives you the feeling of what these agents were going through. Loving the story and how every installment is different gameplay wise! Looking forward to par 4, good work! 

This game was so cool! It took me a minute to put the pieces together but the foreshadowing is awesome, and the lingering dread of you knowing this game is more than it seems is incredible. Great use of sound as well- this game scared me SO much more than I thought it would.  Amazing work! 

Late to this one but someone recommended it- awesome game! Horrors that put you in a interrogation environment always stand out, and this one exceeded my expectations. No jumpscares needed, just hardcore stress. Awesome work!

I enjoyed this game, and am really interested to see where the story goes! Minor complaint, but I feel like the enemies on Fireflower mode and above are a little TOO unforgiving, but you can also just play on lower difficulty. Great work, I'll be looking for the next update! 

I'm late to this one but this game is awesome! I played O'Brien State Park, and this one takes that introduction and runs with it. Good scares with a super interesting story- I'll be playing Entity Exam soon, great work! 

(3 edits)

I do like what this game does and I like the freedom it gives; but there could be improvements (it is obviously a demo). The game isn't clear on what to do sometimes, and the random noises make it hard to tell if you've done something right or not. I also got stuck at one point LOL. Major potential here.

This game was very interesting, and played on something literally EVERYONE has though about. Fun and replayable with multiple endings, good work on this!

This game gave me vibes of Fears To Fathom and Chilla's Art. Great scares, incredible atmosphere and a story that seems to be more than what is presented to us in this demo. This game was awesome! Looking forward to the full release, great work! 

Played the demo, glad I came back for the full game. The game itself has pretty good scares and I was WAY more into the story near the end of the chapter. Excited to see what happens next, big thumbs up from me. Great work! 

I enjoyed this one! Simple but effective scares, and a small story to keep you invested until the chases. You guys need to add this to your ever growing list of games that could be full projects (I'm still waiting on Night Maniac). The voices for the characters were a bit quiet I think though. Other than that, good work with this one! 

(3 edits)

This game feels like it takes heavy inspiration from Burgers And Frights, which is good! The concept of being in some kind of vehicle isn't used much and I think this game did a good job showcasing it. I will say the later parts of the game especially felt kind of tedious, and the trial and error style wasn't helped much by the overall visibility of the game sometimes. Had fun seeing the story play out! Good work.

This game was super cool! Simple yet effective scares, the gloom and doom of waking up in an unknown place, having to just go along with the only other thing communicating with you to escape. The graphics really bring this together too! Super excited for the full release, and great work! 

Cool little game! Not being able to move and swing unintentionally added stress to the final sequences, and the graphical style I really nice! Great work. 

SUPER late here, but I've always loved and supported the Mr.Hopp's series, so I wanted to check this one out. A genuinely great game, with good atmosphere that makes you scared to move locations. It's rare to see a good point and click horror like this, so major props for doing this well Moonbit! 

I loved this game! Takes a concept that most people don't use for core gameplay and runs with it! Story is intriguing, stamina is generous and the anxiety was real when you were trapped with the creature. I also like the idea of you having the option to get more funds before you leave for later progression. Really hoping for some expansion and a full fledged story on this one, had a blast. Great work! 

This game accomplished what it set out to do, a typical but nice complete the tasks, get a jumpscare type of game. I also appreciate that there are 2 endings, for the replay ability  factor. There were some issues with movement, and I honestly think the game was too dark at times, but overall it was a fun experience. Good work. 

Finally got around to playing this one! Awesome escape the area type game with nice voice acting, a very forgiving chapter and respawn system, and a plot that has you wanting to play it through to see the end. Love this, awesome work to everyone involved!