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A member registered May 24, 2020 · View creator page →

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The compost icon means that you have to bring the garbage to the compost (next to the greenhouse) in order to clean the environment.

Hum, you should see an icon of the compost on the trash (see image below) but perhaps there is a bug : do you see it ?

Tks. The player must simply turn off fires, water plants, clean up the island in order to survive.

Tks. The player must basically turn off fires, water plants, clean up the island in order to survive.

Added trailer video

(1 edit)

HINT : Clean air in the greenhouse when light on

Cool ambiance and lightning, but too hard to play with my browser (Firefox) because the fps is very low (about 5 to 10 fps). Trying with chrome...

Oh tks, did nt know there were a free version.

Too bad it s only CSharp as we are into GDScript/Cpp.

Tks anyway.

Hi, Any binary demo release to see any feature in action ?

Reminder: if you experience any bug, contact us by PM and we will do our best to fix it and/or money back if not fixable. 

We could not find an uptodate MacOS so we will offer a free game key to anyone willing to test it on a MacOS. If interested, just contact us.

MacOS coming soon.