Tips for anyone struggling, this should work consistently:
Upgrade priorities:
- Upgrade 1 red and 1 blue to gold to make early/mid easier
- Remove starter red/purp/red/purp/blue in that order. Be careful not to remove dice after you have this handled or you can throw a run.
- If you are below floor 8, take healing over new dice. Never take a new dice before floor 8, they are always stinky and make you weaker.
- After ~12 you want to start fishing for some really good new dice. Anything Hollow/Heavy is better than anything not hollow/heavy. Just once good dice can carry a run.
- Upgrading random stuff is usually good, but I prefer silver purples to gold purples, as 3 range can be awkward to make work. They are better, you just don't get as much value as you do from other upgrades IMO
Combat tips:
- Blue is most important, unless you can finish off an enemy.
- Try to save a green for the end of a fight when you have plenty of armor, then hit it with all purples for max value. Try to end every fight with full health.