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A member registered Dec 29, 2023 · View creator page →

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how about adding spike factory

then your pc sucks

exactly , you have to wait either 5 hours or 1 second




get a pc/get a good pc

stop using your moms ipad then and get a pc

the game is dead

its not made to be for mobile

weak pc

its VERY vulnerable to mods (like unity explorer) and the game is overall just not poorly made but made with like extra protection as a bloon its not that easy of a task to get infinite money but as a monkey its very easy because you can change the price to infinity, then you can just sell it and put infinite super monkeys or just do more other stuff like tack spam, dart lv. 2 spam and glue gunner lv. 2 spam.. so its not that hard to mod just search up how to use UE and it will be very easy to win (i most likely make them like quit after 1 second becaue i keep spamming lvl 2 ice monkeys) and the multiplayer mode is dead ex : you can get in a game sometimes instantly or in 5 HOURS its too easy to just win games due to the people's IQ, most of their iq is just like at least 40. it takes you only 20 IQ to even build a solid defense. overall the game is very easy.