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Sammy Flemington

A member registered Feb 26, 2018 · View creator page →

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I found a bug! If you release space on the "perfect hit" zone and then spam space really fast you can get a bunch of hits in really fast. Also the campfire broke after I upgraded it to the point where it costs 100 rocks to upgrade again, I guess I won?

What are your future plans for the game?

Congrats on first place!!! 

Haha, yeah, I think that was my favorite level in the game :) I just used Godot particle effects for the stars, rocket, and level goal effects, combined with a light source that adds the color gradient. Thanks for playing!

I think I played this game for too long, I got a score around 250,000 :). I do wish that it would display your score after you lose, because now I can't gloat about the exact score I got. But it was a really fun game! Orbital mechanics are just so inherently cool. 

Nice! I think you and I had some similar ideas :) I like the theme and the music slaps. One thing I had trouble with was that the game window was too tall to see all of it at once on PC and I couldn't zoom out. Other than thatm cool game!

I like this a lot! It's cute and the perfect scope for a three hour jam. And I really like the crowd in the foreground

Somebody watches Vimlark! haha. Nice game, it looks really polished especially with the given timeframe!

Thank you for the feedback! :) Have a great day.

This is great! Fun and simple, and I really like the art. I like the style and slickness of the instructions on the wall, but I missed it at first and didn't know I was supposed to look for an exit, I just tried to survive until I stumbled upon the wall again.

Great job!

Cool game! I left some feedback on the game page.

Cute game! I really dig the art style and little touches like the fade to black when you start / die (though curiously I could still move after i died...). Also, the presentation is nice with the matched color scheme on this page, animated screenshot and stuff. I also like the mechanic where you can get health back by killing ghosts.

I have some critiques, though. The camera was lacking -- I felt like I was fighting with it for a lot of the game, especially the part where you jump back and forth to get the silver (?) key. At that part, it was honestly pretty nauseating. Also, I was getting frustrated with the fact that you can slide off the corners of blocks. That felt kind of out of place in a platform game. 

Another little thing, the controls felt really unintuitive to me. I think WASD, N and M or something (or at least the option) would have been better. I found myself forgetting which button was jump and which was shoot.

Finally, a little tip, I think you could make the game feel "juicier" by adding some squash and squeeze on the ghosts when you hit them so that it feels a little better to play.

I hope this feedback was helpful!

You should definitely make the intro skippable. Once I died, I had to watch the whole thing again. Also, I didn't know that I had to press space to continue the dialogue -- I tried clicking, enter, etc. and assumed it was unskippable or something. I see that it is written below, but there should be a prompt in the game to tell me what to do.

It's hard to give feedback on the gameplay because I could only play so many times before the intro sequence (while it is cool) got old. Also, there was no instruction on how to play the game so I just had to press random buttons and my hook got sent out into space and never came back.

Cool idea! I'll start out with the things I liked:

I like your models (I assume you made them yourself).  I appreciate the time you put into the datacube messages. I also liked the music, though it did get repetitive. 

However, I think you could improve on a couple things. First, some technical things: the camera was really difficult to use and it got in the way of playing the game.  Also, I felt like the movement was too slow and I found myself looking for a sprint button or something. Oh, and I got stuck when I put both cubes into the same terminal in the first room.

In terms of gameplay, I think it got repetitive fast. I didn't feel like I was really doing anything when I was playing besides reading messages. Maybe you could have come up with a better way to present the messages and have less time walking between each one. Maybe you could've added a puzzle or something where I could use the messages for something as well. I'm just spitballing.

I can tell you were learning when you made this, which is awesome, and I think you should definitely keep making more and have fun improving as you go. I noticed on your profile that this is your first 3D game and it's a pretty good first-start!

(1 edit)

I can't open! Can you upload a .zip

It's fun to shoot the zombies, but I couldn't figure out what the broom (?) and bone saw did. I thought maybe they could be used to cut up the zombies so they couldn't reanimate, but it didn't seem to do any damage or do anything to their corpses. Maybe a tutorial or just some instructions on the game page could help with that. Also, maybe it was because I couldn't figure out the broom and saw but I killed lots of zombies and still ended up with 0 points.

And one little thing, when I started the game for the second time there were two instances of the music playing at once.

I like all the blood effects and how you can clean them up with the mop.

Love it! The 0 on the cargo looks a lot like an 8, but if that's my only critique you know it was good. Fun and a cool idea.