Pure onyx places monthly releases on itchio, each time they update a month, (or whenever enough content is out) they simply make a new post on their account, so they have october release for 5 dollars, november release for 5. you get what I mean. if you still want the game free and just make the new releases pay for, then go back to the other versions on your acount when you make a new release and make it free. this waym if anyone sees your game on itch, they can buy it. and on top of that you get put on the new/trending tab all the time here. put a donation in a discord, or make a subscription service on discord for roles, and that also can help if you wish, hell. I'm sure you can also give certain roles on discord early versions of the game if they dm you edit: (*makes cocksleeve fairy thats shortstack* silence. *makes nonsexualized kids* OH FUCK THATS GOTTA GO: ~patreon)
A member registered May 27, 2022
Recent community posts
adding more dialogue to the characters and giving them mre depth would be a nice addition to see, as well as a more diverse collection of moans and voices wold add ALOT for the experience.
maybe having little hidden quips when you do something for a set number of times, like using th white rose 10 times makes them say something else or something similar
love the work, hope to see more from you :)