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A member registered Jan 31, 2017

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The storytelling and twists in this game are GENIUS
Just posted my first playthrough.

Thanks for the hint with the cemetery sphere!

It's definitely a difficult control scheme to get used to. The movement acceleration and tendency to bounce off of vertical surfaces makes several of the jumps extremely difficult. The red sphere on the shelf (desert/canyon) took me 20+ tries to get inside of the cave to complete it. Learning the right time to scale yourself down during a jump for maximum control is extremely difficult for me for some reason.

I do have a few bugs to report, though.

  • If you go inside of any other sphere, whether you complete it or not, then go in the desert/canyon sphere, the game will lag severely going from a smooth 60fps down to just 4-5fps. The longer the game runs, the worse it gets, especially if you're trying to record your gameplay. If you go to the desert/canyon sphere first, the lag doesn't happen.
  • Changing your resolution, fullscreen, or quality options have a chance of causing textures to be badly mapped.
(1 edit)

I played about 30 minutes of the game, got through one of the spheres (the green one on top of the lamp on the table) but couldn't get inside of any of the other spheres due to the platforming difficulty. Some smoother sizing controls, or better direction on a path to get into the spheres would be nice. I couldn't interact with anything in the Blue sphere in the plant on the desk for some reason. Will be looking forward to future updates! Video will be posted to my youtube channel soon!

Here's my video: 

Loved this game! I just wish there was an english dub or subtitles. I translated it in editing for my video, but I didn't understand anything while playing. Otherwise, lovely game and very unique puzzles!

Had a lot of fun with this :) I like the idea but there should be a bit more than just reading words and spoopy sounds. The map was well made but the game was a bit short.

Could you, uh... could you not scare the crap out of me? kthxbye...

This concept is incredible and I sincerely hope the developer expands on this!