I think you put mac download when it is supposed to be pc download.
Recent community posts
I am still not able to login into your discord. This is a problem since I can only get zero code from discord. So could you check if I have been banned or your discord invite is still working properly? If you are sending your friend request to solve the problem, you have to use my discord username which is simon5254 rather than my display name which is Skrock I believe.
I am still not able to login into your discord. Can you again check if my Discord ID Skrock is banned or your discord invite is still working? Maybe provide the invite link directly so that I can manually login into your discord or some other methods. I can only get zero code from discord after all.
I am not underage as I am an adult and I was allowed in discord until recently. I have been able to re-login into other discords so I don't think it is problem from my end. Maybe send a invite link to me directly or other methods?
By the way, I love your game! Your game is one few games that I play imimmediately after the update. Keep up the good work!