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A member registered Nov 18, 2019

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yes... because more of the game currently isn't released.

yeah...this one's gonna get hate lmao

ahh i just noticed that too! even more excited now :D

3pm for me right now so yeah, i still have plenty of time to wait

i woke up roughly 2 and a half hours ago at 7am, imagine my dazed self's initial shock when she read that it's already 3pm for some lmao

please go to sleep! if the episode releases in the meantime it’ll be here to stay, you’re not going to miss out on anything! 

i’ve honestly been doing that periodically since the last episode  and even more after we got the release date but i think i might just go do it one more time to kill the boredom haha

it’s between cal and damon for me

this happened with episode 4 too, they ended up uploading it when it was roughly 4am where i am. pretty sure they’re just adding some finishing touches, it will be out soon!

been doing that the entire day lmao at this point i probably should consider sleep

Of course. I believe it happened only three times, don't think I missed anything.

Hi! I just finished the game (or what you can finish of it, anyway) and really liked it, the only issue I have is that I selected for my character to be male yet the game uses she/her pronouns,,,

The game doesn't have an affection point system. You choose the level of affection yourself.

Hi! I’ve played through the game and noticed a bug.

In step 3, during the charity event, Cove doesn’t switch to his formal wear. Then, at the end during the confession scene with the cg, instead of the formal wear there’s a blank space. 

This was his casual outfit, his personality was cold and between mixed and sporty.

we're gonna crash this page one day

if you just want to know when the new chapter's dropping, it's in a few minutes!

the fact that you got 6 upvotes in only 5 minutes shows many of us are sitting in front of our computer screens (probably looking absolutely brainwashed) just spamming the refresh button

i've considered joining the discord incase it's mentioned there as it's 20:17 (8:17pm) here already and i am  s u f f e r i n g