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Samantha Laine

A member registered Aug 29, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

I honestly didn’t even think of this as a special/DLC. Like, this is same-level energy. I love everything about it. Even if Halloween wasn’t my favourite holiday, or spooky movies my favourite kind, this would still be wonderful! I love getting to dive deeper into the world of Colorful. I love and miss these guys so much! And this is such a great way to keep experiencing them. Like, we don’t often get to see characters we know and love and different situations/settings, certainly not as varied as this. and I think that says a lot. I definitely took it for granted, because now I want extra editions of most games I love, ya know? I love getting to see this extra side, this added dimension, this interpretation.. it just further develops these characters I already loved! I love it!

I just want to echo these thoughts as well!

Aw, I’m beyond excited! I cannot wait. You’ve done so well and so much, I cannot believe it. It’s wonderful!

Oh my gosh. I am so in love with this. The art, the music, the story, the writing, the pacing, the voices, the UI/menu, the details, the freakin’ characters! AHHHHH, I cannot even. I usually get bored or a bit antsy with buildup, especially if it’s not really necessary, or it’s just mundane or something.. I come up with these reasons why I could just skip it, basically. But with this, I just couldn’t do that. I was hooked. It was all so genuine and endearing that I didn’t want to miss anything - that what would otherwise be a normal/possibly boring car-ride was something I was wanting to hear every word about. It’s hard to explain, but I was just captivated from the very first moment. On top of that, the three LIs - normally, there’s just one or two that tend to interest me - whether romantic or platonic/at all - but this, all three of them! It’s one of those “I guess I don’t have a type right now” kind of situations, where I find myself easily enthralled by each of them. That’s just incredible, and truly wonderful. And this is only a demo! That’s impressive. It makes me super excited for the full-release. I’m an instant-fan, now, and will definitely be waiting for this! 10/10, would recommend! A+, guys!

I’ll uninstall and reinstall, and see if that works!

I just redownloaded and will be going through tonight! I’m excited! Thank you so much!

For Hazel+Adrian’s Romantic End, Adrian’s image is missing from the last choice on. It shows him being sick for a second, and then the rest, his image disappeared. And it doesn’t show back up before the “Romantic End” slide shows.

Yes! That was it, thank you! That worked! I loved it, thanks!

I do, too. Oh, I do, too! I have loved the story and this man for year/s - loved the other/side games and stories. And crap, even they were phenomenal. This will not disappoint! You’ve worked really hard, it shows, and it’ll make it! I will do everything in my power to ensure that it does, haha.

I haven’t! So, that’s likely it! Thank you!

And again, kudos on the game in the first place. I’m about to tackle the spiritual sequel :)

It shows - the love and care taken is very evident. Just wonderfully so! And no worries! It may have been the font-choice. I’m happy to test it again at anytime, too. Whatever helps!

If I can do anything to help (I’m an avid copyeditor/betareader), please let me know! You guys are doing great, though! No worries! I very much look forward to it!

I just played for the first time, binged all of it, haha. I loved it! I cannot believe how much I loved it. This is a decade old (more than), and yet it feels more genuine and original that most of the stuff, today. That’s incredible.

Anyway, I got all of the ends, the profile cards show, and all the CGs - except (1) CG (the 2nd one in “others”). And clicking the “bonus?” menu button doesn’t do anything. I just wanted to know if I was missing how to either get the last CG or if the “extra ends” I saw were the bonus ends, and nothing is needed after clicking the “bonus?” menu button.

(1 edit)

I really enjoyed this demo. I truly hope a full release comes at some point, no matter the delay. I love this idea and premise. It’s original and wonderful, and I could use that.

I like each of the characters. They’re each super interesting, intriguing, and endearing, and I genuinely look forward to each of them (and that seldom happens).

The choices, story, dev - all sound/look great so far. I’d love to see what they result in, those end-results, if you will. Great job, so far! I hope this releases!

I absolutely loved this. I found myself wanting more. I wanted to know more about him, about my story, his, how we got here, who betrayed me, where we were going. It was excellent, to get me to want all of that, to have a million more questions because I wanted to be able to see/experience and get to know it all some more? That’s awesome. I love it.

Goodness, i’m very excited about this one. The voices are spectacular. Especially Adam’s. On top of that, the art, design, and colour/palette choices are amazing. The music is great. There are a couple of spots where the music stops or changed tune (and didn’t quite fit), but was otherwise spot-on. I loved the interactive element of the choices - where to go, who to see, how much money you can make, etc. That’s such an interesting factor, and I love it. I can see how it’s going to make for a great many more options as you go through, and make learning new/interesting secrets/notes more fun. The only thing I could complain about was the text - a few times, when there was a lot being said/to-be-read, the text cut-off - I wasn’t sure if this was due to the font I chose, but it didn’t allow me to scroll or anything, so I wasn’t sure how to see the rest of the text. But really, that was it. I’m really excited about this full release. This is such a great and interesting story, and it’s well-developed and well-paced so far! I cannot wait!

Oh my goodness, I am absolutely in-love! This is amazing! I am, for one, so glad to see dark topics and situations handled so freaking well. I don’t, at all, understand negative reviews when warnings and even “safe word” and “aftercare” options were included. It’s astounding. It means the ​viewer​ didn’t do their job correctly, not that the ​dev​ didn’t. Anyway, I loved the grit and wit, heh. I loved the world-building. I loved the setting and locations - the art is gorgeous, the music is a character in itself, I loved it.

The dark situations are handled excellently, with aplomb. They’re tactful and decisive, and I loved the choices that were available in them - ranging from scared reactions to excited and even turned-on reactions - that’s amazing. I can count the number of games that tackle such topics, situations, and even choices like this on one hand. I’m so happy to see it done, here, and done so freakin’ well. Incredible. Thank you. It’s beautiful.

Beyond all that, the characters. Holy cow. I found myself falling in love with each of them, in their own rights. And that almost never happens. I joke, but VNs and LI games tend to be 60/40 as far as the LIs go, imo. But this? Each one was 100% something I wanted in their stories. I legit found myself liking each of them, genuinely. More than all that, though, each of them are just so very well-developed that I could tell what situations were genuine or risky, what choices would benefit or detract, etc. I also found myself thinking about the future chapters for each of them, diving head-on into the world and everything. That’s how well-dev’d the world and the characters are.

The masks/coverings/strangers aspect was also so well-handled, and it was basically another variable that added to each the world, characters, and even the situations/choices, and the subsequent feelings. It was a constant struggle of both liking and hating them, which is so genuine, when you think about it. And it’s such a great and interesting way to handle a game with LIs, rather than just a platformer/rpg/puzzle-game or something, you know? It’s an added factor to consider.

Even the side-characters were so great and endearing. The shop owners (and cousins), even the scary ones, the bouncer, the babysitters, the thief crew, the party attendees - they’re all just very animated in their own rights - they’re not typical NPCs, they have real and true personalities, and they legit made me feel things. Like, I could feel nervous or excited in the situations with them, and that almost never happens with side-characters or NPCs. So, absolutely well-done, there, too.

The branching was excellent. I already thought dev’ing a game like this was way beyond my purview. But seeing how diverse the choices were, and the different ways to branch of from each one - and even the different ways you somehow/give yourself a chance to rejoin/unbranch, if that makes sense? Anyway, it just further solidified the skill and hard-work that goes into this type of story-building. Y’all did freakin’ amazing. I was so happy to go back and try to get different situations with different choices, and that lead to me trying for all the endings (I got them!), and ao;jfa;sjfa;jflasjdf. I just cannot explain how happy it made me to do all of that, and how ​that​, in itself, made me happy - because it just doesn’t happen very often at all to me. It normally feels like too much work, like a chore, but this was just such a blast to do, even over and over again.

I cannot, I repeat: ​cannot​, wait for the full release, or more chapters, or whatever the term should be. This was incredible. Both new and interesting, original, and grand, and just beautiful. I loved it. Every minute of it. Literally. Every. Minute. The only negative thing I can say is that it’s incomplete. And even then, one, I knew that ahead of time. But two, that’s kind of a good thing as well, because it means I have more to do, more to look forward to. And like I said, I cannot wait for that!

10/10, guys. 100% would-recommend.

(but please, read the tws, because it’s an absolutely travesty for those who ​want​ to see things like this, but then they’re overloaded with -1s because the reader didn’t read properly).

Wow. Y’all just over here giving it your all and then some. I cannot wait for launch! :)

No problem! I saw you were still patching, so I figured that’d honestly take care of any UI/nav things, anyway. And even then, that’s literally the only thing I could come up with, and it’s not even like it was a big deal. The game was just so well-done. Very well-developed. I absolutely loved it!

I’m way too excited for words. I’m so happy. Congrats to us all!

Thanks so much! For the prompt response, too!

I’m so excited for this! Thanks, guys!

I cannot wait for the full game. I’m already hooked. I got green, orange, and purple hearts.

Wow, I loved this game much more than I thought I would. I had hopes, as i loved the premise and the art and everything. But I just wasn’t 100%. Well, now I totally am. I love it all. The voices are just perfect, I cannot even explain how perfect. Absolutely phenomenal job, there. The UI/Interface is great - the only complaints would be some better navigation/back-to-home-menu options, and honestly, it’d be amazing to have the video larger (especially because we talk about the posters, and the project/typing page is finished at some point). But that was literally the only negative thing I could scrounge up. Either way, I adore the characters. Ash is wonderful, I fell in love with him. I want more of him, the MC, and even Eden. I want to read/see them more. The chemistry and back-and-forth was so good between them all. Even in the bad end, you can still see how much Asher and the MC care about each other. They’re both so genuine and earnest, and cute with each other. I just love them together. This was just great, just.. amazing. I loved it. Great job! Thank you!

Wow. It’s amazing how conflicted I am with this. But in all the best ways! I know this could be considered just a cute and funny game - perhaps satirical. But it’s just too relatable. and meta at the same time. So many of the things just hit home, for one, but then I also just found myself genuinely thinking/feeling the same, and genuinely wanting somebody to say the same things to me, thinking the same things about me, wanting to make me feel better, wanting to be with me in the same way.. all of it. It’s just so.. I cannot explain it clearly, obv. But I just loved this. This was so good.

I read some of the other feedback, and I just disagree in many/most of the topics - like, I think the tone/dialog/way it’s tackled is fitting (re: required) - I feel like if tackled the way these people are talking/wanting/expecting, it would’ve felt just like any other story/narrative. It wouldn’t have felt unique. And, I’m sorry, but the fact that some people haven’t had similar experiences, haven’t used humour in such a way, haven’t had such negative self-talks/thoughts and/or felt like a negative stereotype.. that doesn’t mean that their experiences aren’t unique, and/or that the experiences discussed in this game are uncommon, either. Disagreeing with something you cannot relate to/haven’t experienced is also a bit judgy - like who are you to tell me how to cope (or laugh at my situation)? Esp considering this is fiction, and somebody’s personal project. Let it be.

On top of which, not once is it stated that these are sane, healthy people, and/or that their dialog, thoughts, actions, or connection/relationship - none of that is healthy - it’s not hinted, alluded-to, certainly not stated. To criticize this because it’s unhealthy or it’s full of self-sabotage is just frustrating, imo. Because that’s kind of the freakin’ point. Again, just because it’s not your thing, not the way you would handle something, and/or not the right way to do something/be with/around somebody, etc - doesn’t mean it’s not a-possible, b-actual, and/or c-fictionally-possible? Its entire point was obviously lost on you if you acknowledge it and disagreed - which is a bit funny/ironic since the criticism is about the paradoxical self-awareness (much like the criticism in the first place).

I understand ​some​ of the negative feedback, sure - but in this case, I feel like I actually ​like​ the things people are complaining about. I feel like they’re actually the strengths/positives. If things were done differently, this wouldn’t have held as much gravitas, imo. It wouldn’t have felt as hard-hitting. It would’ve felt like every other thing available. It would have felt like a preachy, try-hard, quirky thing - it would’ve felt generic, repetitive, forced, and just dishonest, like it wasn’t genuine, wasn’t earnest. Instead, this mixed very real and relatable things, including inner dialog (innerlog) with funny, sarcastic, Gilmore Girls -style wit, and it just works so well (which I have never said before, as a positive). It both makes it easy to self-insert, and/or ​wish​ for self-insert - because of the two dynamics. And that’s not easy to do. Certainly not with the sometimes-difficult topics/experiences tackled. So, that’s impressive, to boot.

I also think it’s a bit obtuse to criticize, even dislike maybe, the innerlog/tact. That’s literally the entire point of the story/plot/thing. I understand the “show, don’t tell” thing, in general - believe me, working in film/photo my whole life, I see my fair share of this debate. That said.. this is literally an innerlog. It’s literally about the inner dialog, specifically about the inner narrative. There would be some kind of narrative either way - all of those habits/thoughts would have to be explained in some way, they’re not easily shown. I mean, if some of the subtle points/hints in this story were already so missed/overlooked, I sincerely doubt these habits/thoughts could be shown (instead of innerlogged) while still being understood/noticed.

Another comment stated it well - that this was a unique and risky thing to do, way to do it, etc. I think that’s apt. But that’s why this is original and special. It’s a good thing. I’m tired of the same-shit/different-media crap. I don’t know why originality, even with risk/boldness is a bad thing. It’s not a documentary, it’s not a how-to - it’s fiction. Not all fiction is for everybody - but one’s lack of enjoyment doesn’t inherently take away from the skill/quality involved (or it’s relatability, enjoyment, etc). It just wasn’t your cup of tea.

</rant> Sorry for the rant. I just honestly didn’t understand how the entire point/plot/tact/way of this project could be criticized as “the bad part” - when doing it another way, let alone the suggested/idealized way/s, would negate the premise, originality, uniqueness, and quality of this project.

Either way, I would/will do it all over again. I loved it. Truly. Thanks, guys! Great job! Seriously!

(2 edits)

Oh my goodness, this is just too good. I absolutely cannot wait for the full game. I’m in love with everything about it! The story, the characters, the design, the art, the flow, the back-and-forth, the dialog, the music, all of it. I love all of it! I cannot wait! Good job, guys!​ I love the bits, the blush, the jokes, the bickering, the animal names. The menu and navigation, as well as the text box and stuff - it’s all so good. Ah, I just can’t get enough.(PS, the gallery really be doing things to me).

Possibly stupid question, but for those with the Steam edition already (KS, for example), will the walkthrough be released at actual release (the 14th, I believe it was)? I just wanted to be sure. No worries, either way!

(1 edit)

Oh my gosh, this is just incredible. This is aiofjsdkkjfl;ajflaskfjasdfj. This is amazing. I cannot believe.. like.. wtf.. this is so good. I cannot wait for the full release. There is so much going on - even if there wasn’t such a character (that I’m absolutely in love with), even if there wasn’t such an awesome setting, even if there wasn’t this intense and suspenseful mystery/situation keeping me at the edge of my seat, even if there wasn’t an impeccable chemistry, even if there’s wasn’t an immaculate sexytime… having all this together? This is crazy. This is just too good. Oh goodness, I cannot wait for more. This is wonderful. So well-done, so well-done. Thank you so much. This is so amazing. Keep up the good work!

AHHHHHH. I just cannot wait for the full release. I feel like I have been waiting my whole life for this. It’s been years, I have fallen in love with Keldran a thousand times over. And this game is everything I hoped it’d be, and more. I cannot wait for the whole shibang. It’s going to be wonderful. Thank you so much for all this hard work - I am so happy for us, sure; but for you to see something you worked so hard on, for so long - come to fruition.. and like this? I’m so freaking happy for you and proud of you guys! This is incredible! Keep it up!

(1 edit)

Oh my goodness, I am just way in love with this, and with Van. I am so upset I have no more to play/read/experience. He’s wonderful, and this is just so weirdly comforting, despite being also oddly sad - it’s weird.. it’s like a self-fulfilling prophesy. You feel it right along with the game, and it’s just a beautiful thing.

Have you tried those, by any chance?

Thank you. I’m hoping there’s some way for Itch to answer, at some point. Hopefully.

Does anybody actually check these questions?

This is such a wonderful piece! The art is all just fantastic. The music/sound is wonderful, pleasing, and not at all grating (like a lot of background music can be when left idle). That, alone, is incredible. But the story and the chemistry are great! I want to see more of Jamie, see what becomes of Maria, if she gets to experience the change/growth she’d hoped for, if Jamie makes up for her winter away, etc. This is such a great intro to an even greater story. I cannot wait.

Oh wow, this is just too wonderful. I don’t even know where to begin. Not only is all of the art beautiful, and I really mean all of it. But the music/settings are all top-shelf, too. Further, the different facial expressions and emotions are just phenomenal - his laugh, his blush, his questioning and raised eyebrows - all absolutely adorable and endearing. I want to know more about him, learn more about him, talk to him more - I want to travel with him, to see, like he said, if/when he joins us on our journey. I would absolutely play a million more minutes of this. This is so well-done, the literal only thing I could conceivably complain about is that I wish there was more; and really, that’s only because I loved ​this​ so much. Thank you for all your hard work! This is excellent!

This is too cute. I want to know/learn more of this world/story, and the boss, heh. It left me wanting more. In a good way, because it was very fulfilling/satisfying to begin with. So cute and fun, either way.

Aw man, I cannot wait for the full release. I’m already half white-knuckling it as it is, and we’re not even that deep. This is so cute and eerie at the same time. I both cannot and have to keep going, haha. It’s wonderful. Super well-done. I really cannot wait!

Hello. Definitely still having this issue. I cannot figure out how to find a listing of all purchased games, regardless of if they’re in the library or not. Is there a way to do this?

Terribly sorry for the late reply!

And thank you very much for the update! I’m very excited!

So excited!