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A member registered Apr 22, 2021

Recent community posts

good job Kenn-cyber

good job Shawl

good job baquette_lord

good job x.qr.x

oh yea 100%
I cannot stop playing it
my hands are literally dying, and my wrists are losing their proximal segmentation at this point, I have accepted my fate of permanent hand-impairment. Completely worth it, I love this game thing-y, even though I have never ever played it (jk) 

(1 edit)


but also ( wtf )
The business case for diversity is really a technological one. If the prevailing argument for diversity is indeed technology-driven. Pepe is so sad nowadays. I AM PLANNING ON CREATING A NEW SPECIES. JOIN ME NOW!!! WITH MY stolen ultra high bandwidth brain-machine, I will destroy the intergalactic federation of PALPATINE! has anyone though of desalinating water before, yea lol, me neither, except for the governments maybe, who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
> last paragraph completely unrelated