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A member registered Jan 13, 2024

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short game with good story and soundtrack nice!

(1 edit)

Its have a hidden pill mode it and turns the game into hard one life mode where you could only live once its really impressive this I think worths more then a dollar 


in my option its addiction and responsibility that makes its game unique and high IQ move. where you risk real life for cash in a fair fight against yourself or an Entity that reflects GREED,ENVY within fair fight and law. 


would you double? Yes or No


if yes welcome back

to reading this...

its writings and story is up to the person or does it have a lore? Sigh your life away for cash thats  equals time. 

the law of equivalent exchange in that order love it and may spend more time playing its replayability is unlimited how many hours would I play many times with many hours. 


which makes it an D&D style game of rolling the dice at life which much more is single player nothing wrong with it because the score at the end write it down, skill and time

I hope to see more games made like this in the future take your time making them which makes it good only one person style. 


well thats all I have time to write I really appreciate it the creator made it in my option 


Review: 10\10 at first I thought it bugged or crushed and then I started to think click click click on the mouse it takes you places well done. old school video game at its finest with a drink of wine or beer enjoyable with or without. soundtrack booming, I appreciate it