Hey. Don't worry, Dev's that stress too much end up going through burn out and that's the biggest killer of games. If you feel that you really need to keep us posted just tell us the little things like what aren't you're working on or something that's blocking your progress like how the shading in one scene keeps bothering you. Hell, even use those post to vent about things that are annoying. Just at the end of the day keep making this game, take care of yourself, and enjoy the process ;-)
Recent community posts
Hey, so I got through this first update and was left with an interesting idea and incase you haven't thought about it I'd like to propose the idea that as you get more corrupted you can inter give into the influence of these aliens. In doing so you can corrupt and alter your party members, kind of like ZXC's Latex Dungeon. Overall good game so far look forward to future updated
Good to hear you're finding joy in this and that it's going well. Look forward to the next update be it progress or the game.
Seriously though, these progress updates are nice. They make it so the community doesn't have to worry about what's going on behind the scenes as much. So, on behalf of those who feel this way.
Thanks for the patch. By the way, a slight suggestion. Could you make a button for switching between non futa and futa because for those of us who want to continue the last version from where we left of the save has the set to non futa which might suck for the future if you want to make more scenes of that which was a pretty good scene by the way.
Anyway have a good one. Take care, and make sure you guys pace yourselves. Burn out is a bitch, more then even Lilith.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, author's (and co) health first game second. Take your time. You got a good game and are making sure we're in the loop. It's better then how some devs give a release and say nothing until the next release. Also, looks like we're almost at the finish line. I'm so excited
Quality over quantity is what I'm here for so if you need time to make food content then take it. You're an indy erotica dev who puts fair amounts of count consistently with what I call above average quality. Hell, you even throw in the occasional new mechanic every now and then. Keep at it and take your time, I'd rather you put out good content and not burn out then seeing half ass it or lose all desire to keep making this game