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A member registered Aug 29, 2022 · View creator page →

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man i the only one that wins on the first try ?

np bro keep doing the amazing job i always rooting for ya

hey hey hey looks whos back heheh well i just here to say that i beat the game without shotting (i just use the arrow when it WAS to use the arrow but not in the monster the thing that you do with the ice arrow) but i still beat it without damaging enemies with arrow well see you another day bayy

i did not played yet but i sure will and i krown i will enjoy it so much because all you do is good NomnomNami well bye for now soon i add some rating in thesse

just finish the new demo, i liked the feathers



(1 edit)

yeh but i passed to the PC

Now I can play (I already beat it) [and recorded a video that I forgot to post]

nah joiplay cant support 


Let's see if I can download it

Why not 3 ? XD but still I will wait it and I finally installed the game in my notebook

Broooo that is awesome that will be a huge update for witch hat and I'm waiting for spirit arrow hehehe I will keep my eyes out for this


Guess who just installed the game in he cellphone 

It was me !!

I download the game and installed joyplay and the execute the file in the cellphone now i can play in my cellphone hehe

oh yoi noticed kkkkk well i am brazilian well now i will do a instagram because i dont have one kkkk but well thanks for the chat oh i gonna try to put my username sleping_fox ok? Just warning

(2 edits)

oh thanks for the informattion and the character you are ussing  ij your profile is ny favorite character 

Oh do you wanna be freinds sorry if is a strange question from a stranger of the internet kkkk !

Edit:1 hey the debug window are not letting me to do this that you said about skiping

Edit 2: mannn i read wrong kkk i dint krown that i have to restart lol kkkk

oh thanks but i dont if it saves if so thank you so much tiagox i realy apreciated this hope you game can be the most wonderfull game ever i hope that you be a famous person too!!!(note: if i have money i would gave to you but i dont have;-;)

heya just here to say that you game is incledible (sorry if i type wrong) and it is wonderfull that game and i wanna let you krown that despite all of the game i played your game is the better even i instaled the game in wifi i cant install the 1.0.5 version (and i am in the 0.10.1 version ;-;) because i am ussing vpn then can you guys do a or try at least do a phone version ? because i can use wifi in the phone and there are apps that you can try use they ui for phones then please do it or atleast try ;-;?