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A member registered Dec 01, 2019

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(2 edits)


Rising Sun


Lucas Jones


A kind of slim muscular stand that represents its user.

Rising Sun has two ability, its first ability is to create any small object from a steel marble to a fly. With its ability to create small object it can piece together small contraptions like bullets and flick the back to simulate a gun. 

Risings Suns second ability is the power to reset time from one second to a whole day while reverting any deaths and wounds to anybody and anything besides the users opponent(s).

The opponent wont notice the resetting of time.


Destructive power - A

Speed - B

Range - E (1 - 2 meters)

Durability - C

Precision - A

Developmental potential - B

------Rising Sun Requiem------

After being stabbed with The Arrow:

>The Stand will change most of its colors to a bright white.

>Rising Sun Requiem gains the ability to rewrite the past 10 seconds of its action and also gains the ability to look into the future 5 seconds while keeping his past ability on top of that. (BTW by rewriting time of the past 10 seconds imagine I get punched in the face by some random stand user enemy, and I use my ability that allows me to go back 10 seconds and look though all the previous actions trying to figure out a better outcome. its like rewinding a video tape and pausing it so that I can go over any options. so decide to grab his fist before it hits my face and punch a hole through his gut with my free hand, and then kick him. But wait, I look 5 second into the future outcome and see that someone behind me shoots me in the back with a pistol. So I go back and change it so that after I punch a hole in him I turn around and use my stand to kill the shooter by grabbing the bullet and whipping it back at the shooters chest. I look 5 seconds into the future and I see after I was done with the shooter I turn around and kick my enemy in the chest, making him fall to the ground. Rising Sun makes it fate and the whole scenario plays out once more, then time resumes.)