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A member registered Sep 13, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hey, thanks for the review and the ideas !

The game could be cool but I did not even finish the tutorial, it is too long and there is too much information at once, the player wants to play the game (that looks pretty cool tbh) not to read for 1hr. You should introduce your features and gameplay mechanics one by one with introduction levels instead of putting them all in one never-ending tutorial 

Pretty cool game, lv9 took me a lifetime ! Maybe losing should not take the player back this way, maybe it should be a win streak to get highest scorfe without error and on error you start over with random order of guessings

Thanks for your rating ! And thank you for the idea, I may make it a full game with different maps or something

thanks a lot ! I might make a full game out of it, depending on feedback, I'll make sure to add more features if it happens

C'est mon tout premier jeu fait avec unity il y a un an, soyez indulgents! Un autre bien meilleur arrive bientôt !