No I'm saying I already did that. It still doesn't work
Recent community posts
Awesome game. Like how the difficulty ramps up, but never becomes frustrating. That grenade pistol was hands down my fav gun. Loved the old school feel & enemy variety. Only thing it could use is some gibs, but that is down to personal preference. Was that a Klostyn reference? I just heard about that game & am very hyped
Doesn't really function like a traditional fps, works more like a rhythm game hybrid. I think in this type of game the reloading just adds unnecessary difficulty. I didn't really enjoy it. The game was extremely punishing right out the gate and the mechanics were not explained well at all. The dash is borderline useless and I had hitbox problems as well. Sweet ass main menu tho
You did. Game is hard as fuck. Idk if that other dude is some fps prodigy or I just suck lol but the game totally kicked my ass. The slowmo honestly hardly even helped because the enemies have such crazy fast reaction time. Cool game tho, reminded me of those EDGY games a bit with better gore. do think you could add a level select? after beating the levels of course
Maybe one of the most polished FPS games I've seen on itch! Really fun. You should definitely tone down all the crap on the screen when you get hit though. And the screen shake. That and the way enemies at the start of levels seem to do no damage, yet at the end I'd get one tapped from across the room. Makes it pretty frustrating.