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A member registered Mar 25, 2018 · View creator page →

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Word of advice Get your Agreements down in writing and signed by both parties before they pull the rug on you.

(1 edit)

I must admit that I was pleasantly surprised to find my initial comment preserved, allowing me the opportunity to provide further elucidation on your inquiry.

Initially, I entered into an agreement with the esteemed “monster box” with a clear vision in mind. The task at hand was to craft a game akin to FNAF, encompassing not only the visuals and art but also the creation of intricate systems. I had the fortune of receiving assistance from another developer solely for environmental assets, as per our mutual agreement. Meanwhile, Smugs (monster box) was designated to provide suggestions for marketability and spearhead the marketing efforts. That was the extent of their involvement as agreed upon.

However, as development progressed, unforeseen alterations to the arrangement were made. Without prior consultation, Smugs took it upon themselves to assert direct control over the game’s direction and added new team members to the project, under the assumption that such assistance was indispensable. While I appreciated the sentiment, I was confident in my ability to meet the project’s deadline without additional personnel.

Throughout the development process, I meticulously crafted models and systems from scratch, investing significant personal dedication to create immersive in-game animations and intimate scenes. Regrettably, after my departure, I observed conspicuous changes to the iconic appearance of the models, a matter that remains shrouded in uncertainty regarding those responsible for the alterations.

Post version 0.6, unforeseen bugs surfaced, prompting me to surmise that these issues might have arisen from the introduction of new team members who may not have been thoroughly acquainted with the intricacies of my systems.

It’s essential to mention that my Source models underwent a conversion process for marketing purposes for others to use such as Source Maker, a decision made by higher-ups.

Prior to my departure, I extended genuine apologies for an innocently-intended meme post, aiming to foster camaraderie among the team. Nevertheless, a member of the team persistently spoke disparagingly about my efforts and dedication behind my back and within the community. This, among other reasons, contributed to my decision to part ways with the project.

Throughout my involvement, I maintained a transparent approach to my work, consistently receiving specific tasks from the project board, which I diligently executed. Nonetheless, there were occasional communication breakdowns within the leadership team, leading to challenges in meeting deadlines that they themselves had established. To address this, I took the initiative to work diligently and efficiently to fulfill those deadlines while also engaging with the community through various events to ignite enthusiasm for the project. It was a delicate balancing act, ensuring timely updates for players while staying true to the project’s overarching vision.

Subsequent to my departure, I pursued other projects and delved into developing my own games. Despite periodically checking the game’s progress on the itch page, I couldn’t help but feel disheartened by the constant negative remarks directed toward me. Nevertheless, I remained steadfast and composed, determined not to be swayed by the criticism.

One remark that resonated with me was, “Skyboi, you’re delaying the game by working on the game.” Ironically, it highlighted my unwavering commitment to the project, as I invested countless hours, tirelessly perfecting systems and content.

In conclusion, I hope that this elaboration provides a comprehensive understanding of the complexities and challenges I encountered during my tenure and subsequent departure. It is my sincerest wish that this clarifies my perspective and dispels any misconceptions regarding my involvement in the project.

i moved on long ago but it seems you cant. such a shame.

I will no longer be silent, and I will no longer tolerate this shade-throwing. For the last time, you pushed my hand, smugs. Unlike you, I will be professional about this. You broke your agreement of what we both agreed on for the game and how it would be managed. You haphazardly led your team and then continued to use me after I left due to not agreeing back to the terms first made.

You’ll probably delete this comment, and that’s fine. But for those who read this, please know that I never did anything to ruin the game, nor did I push for broken systems. That was all the publisher’s fault, Critical Bliss, and Smugs’ bad leadership. All I ever did was make meme pictures in the meme channels of the Discord that didn’t sit well with a very loud vocal person. I got the other dev members to bring hatred to me even though I did nothing wrong. Then other members continued to bash me for it.

I was also accused of leaving inappropriate content in the project, but there was none of that in the files, other than temporary images related to the project’s original PC setup. They were meant to help place widgets and get the mood for later reward systems. Creating it was a lot easier with those widgets in the editor. I mainly did all the work for them, including creating all the 3D character models, putting together the levels, and implementing all the systems they asked for or tasked me to do. I also did community work to help get people more active with streams and such.

I left with a final stream for the community and also gave them a finalized patch build that was free of bugs. I left them with more than half the game completed; they only needed to polish and clean up the models and do the last few maps. I thought it was in good hands, but I guess due to how fast and how hard I worked, they couldn’t handle it

yes I created the Db page before i launched the itch page

Thank you Epic games for making the engine very acceptable for a solo dev ^w^.

interesting nice job

Thanks ^w^

the video submission? oh, the linked Twitter post yes I stated before on the submission page that the art assets and Core Mutiplaer functions were created 3 weeks earlier. I’ve been in plenty of game jams before so thank you.

appreciated that’s also good to hear that the flashing effects were not too much for you ill keep that in mind going forward thank you a lot ^w^

thanks ^w^

keep up your videos man always love them hope to see more INHEAT videos like that the editing is great XD

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I would check the cameras around since there seem to be those flashing lights in some of the rooms, also I think there’s a task icon at the PC window screen thingy that seems to list out a tutorial or guide of sorts?

Shes a terrible Queen boss

Boy bussy is Tight

Oh,man had to do a double-take on that Screenshot Lol nice job these devs have at least a sense of humor. makes me hopeful for more.

Everything is purple I like it , the models could use more work they can be more purple , i want purple penis please

Big booba

thanks for liking my art

Wow, I’m just glad I even go on the list and on top of that middle of it ^w^

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ah sorry due to time of the contest we were unable to add in the rest of the Item pick up models also about the mapping, I’m left-handed so I normally use WASD and thought the number key would be best but I do know that Arrow keys would have been better for Right-handed people or people who are used to that setup thanks for the feedback ^W^


Saw the review thanks for the feedback although  a lot of the information is in the main menu for the controls , and game play systems like characters special moves and how each one has multiple based on the meter you use it at, for the projectiles to aim correctly dont input a movement key and only press the attack your character will automatically aim to the nearest target and angle , hmmm this tells me i need to communicate better the controls thanks i'm sorry your experience was not good , your supposed  to also destroy the enemy generators but i don't think i describe that in the game anywhere so that's also my bad , i will do some changes so its easy to understand soon once i canthanks for the look and review ^w^

nice love the visuals 

ah it was probably not mention but when your not inputting a movement direction your character will lock to the nearest enemy location and projectile will change its elevation only then  thanks for the feed back 

thanks for feedback ^w^


woo ooh yaa woo ya 

(2 edits)

For users who are unable to hit the play button at the main menu 

first un select the play button loop once then hit play again 

its a very strange bug 

please look at the how to fix menu bug gif for visual instructions 

"If Play Game is the only thing you can get, you have to restart"