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A member registered Jul 13, 2022 · View creator page →

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the walkthrough should have all the details! basically just transform gethra with a gender swap after she does the muscle growth on you, and if you are marked, she will retaliate with a tg. 

harem routes are player driven, so they can happen at any time so long as you have more than 15 influence and are in an autonomous form! 

oh 100%. we intend to keep it free until we have a full release ready! 

we currently have a couple! 3-4 if i remember correctly, but we havent got any art done for them yet. thats partly because its not really a focus for the game, but its also because that sort of scene can be costly to illustrate, especially when our characters are able to be transformed and each pairing is a new asset. its hard to overlay changes when sex calls for the bodies to interact and match. for that reason, we are saving it for much later in development when all of the character designs are finalized, and we know what character forms are possible for each sex scene. on the plus side, that lets us bring in guest artists for those scenes ;3

we just haven't gotten to it yet. we like to update small scenes like that in bulk so that its easier to playtest. rest assured, your note was screenshotted and placed in a discord channel we keep for all such reports :3

all forms have a step by step guide for how to get them in the walkthrough! here is the one for princess:

Elami’s perfect princess (Lewis): this scene will play if during the second mingle phase, female Lois is marked, not in a conflicting form (maid, spy, dalmatian), and Elami has more than 3 influence. Trigger the scene by entering the lion's den area. In this scene, Elami will enact a plan to turn the bastard Lois from a shameful child, into a lioness princess.

suprise! is bimbos :3

sure thing! in mingle phase 2, Felcandra can be found at the center of the frame in either the parapet area or the banquet hall area (they will randomly appear in one or the other). and in mingle phase 3, they will appear in the courtyard area, hiding in the tree second from the left! 

no worries! we're glad you're excited :3

update will be out by about midnight tonight! (roughly 12 hrs from now)

for sure! i think sugar baby magnus already has plenty X3

aaah gotcha. then yeah thats probably a bug. ill look into it! 

sure! it all depends on what our patrons vote for! 

yes to both! all in due time :3

its a puzzle game! im sure you can find another route with enough experimentation ;3

that one is a bug, ill see if i can fix that 

don't forget that you can also get influence bumps from finding Felcandra hidden in the overworld! I've just playtested it, and you can get up to 24 influence by mingle phase 3. 

it should be functional! just go up to and talk to her. select "change clothes" and then pick "absolutely nothing!".

absolutely! although we only have the setup in place right now, Rhianna has a romance dialogue tree that will be grown in future updates :3

that's a fair point, and its a large factor as to why we don't have much sexual content in the game. if the grey area makes you uncomfortable, rest assured it can be easily avoided. 

thanks for spotting those! ill see what i can do! 

im not sure what you mean?

milf is triggered by her complaining about not having an heir, so try tging one of her boys first to give her one ;3

player driven just means that it is available any time she is marked and not in a conflicting form. conflicting forms, like milf for example, will take it off the menu. so all you need to do is get her marked while you have 15 or more influence! sugar baby and peasant forms are unlocked through the harem tf itself. 

i dont fully know what you mean? if you are asking if every character has an NSFW scene, there are only a handful in game right now. 

good catch! ill see what i can do about that in future updates

this will become more possible as the game develops and we add in more phases. once its fully completed you will have a ton more chances to fully claim your harem ;3 

for the moment though, we do offer a cheat version on our patreon that can help to expedite things ;3

well the twinning one was a commission, and although we'd love to focus on it more, it is a bit of a logistical toughy for the game to handle. it just opens up a lot of complexities that we weren't intending to handle from the get go, even if we just use the same assets twice X3

that said, there has been a lot of enthusiasm for it! so it may be something we look into later on in development if we have the time! 

currently we dont have official mobile support, mainly because it takes extra time to develop and build that we would rather do near the end of the projects development, but theoretically the browser build should work for mobile users at the moment! again, this is untested, so we cant guarantee it will be stable. we recommend downloading on pc for the smoothest experience. 

and no! you can TG Lewis in other ways during play, mainly through mocking Elami! 

right! so one on the right is base lewis being milfed, I can see how the placement of the label is confusing. you basically have to do the same thing as the one on the left, just without being transformed into a lion princess. 

theres a couple ways of getting her. you can either disagree with elami in her discussion about motherhood while you are marked, or you can ask her for it!

so you have the princess (lion) form already, and then elami turns you back into an ocelot? 


the version of the walkthrough attached to this post is outdated! moving forward, the walkthrough will be updated each month alongside the game and be included in the regular download section.

it has, but patreon has unfortunately flagged it for breaking its terms. as of right now, we are waiting for it to pass inspection and after that it will become public again. if you would like access to it immediately, we have both versions currently available on subscribestar for the same price!

all very possible! and yeah, Odenval is one of the few characters who reacts favorably to mental TFs since it can overwrite his PTSD X3

aw thanks! we would absolutely be open to that, but it is a super tall order X3

maybe we could chat details over discord? you can reach me at: insheepspajamas

awe thank you X3

unlock love at first sight rhianna and and court swap 1 (oleogarch) rhianna in the same run! 

HAH! I FOUND THE FILE! its not perfect, I couldn't figure out how to change the size of it, but i turned it white! it should at least be legible now on mobile, but we still recommend PC since I cant test anything on mobile X3