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A member registered Feb 09, 2017

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Twin stick for gamepad rather than a guid cursor? Also i took a look back at my previous message and realized wind spell could be mandatory as it is without strengthening it by adding more firey obstructions and maybe slip in a few ambush points for an added challenge. Shield still feels more like a leech rather than an asset.

(3 edits)

Oh you are more than welcome, I loved this game overall, I also love offering up constructive critique rather than flaming/trolling peeps I don't know. This game/demo (i was secretly hoping it was just a demo and the trailer confirmed it X3) is an excellent first impression quite honestly. Keep up the stellar work you guys! You have my full support!

For starters, the wind is vastly under powered and unnecessary in most of the game, however the parts that needed this the most obviously where the "Trials" such as the flamethrower section where you have to walk toward the fire in order to proceed. Other uses where to extinguish fire pits (or burning bodies i assumed) to prevent bumbling into them and also to keep flaming arrows off of you. The shield would have been useful if it didn't suck all your mana like the missiles did, in many situations i had to forfit defense for offense becuase of this. The flames where useful in that it did keep some enemies at a safe distance and combine this with telekinesis and woot! flaming crates and such! I did notice something odd however, some of my spells would occasionally be super powerful, like a "crit cast" i suppose, for example i'll fling a rock and suddenly it moves like a rocket leaving a flame trail behind it. It may have been happenstance but i'm sure you can confirm whether or not that was programed in. I did have an issue with the mana pool however, but i believe that was intentional to provide a challenge to the player seeing as mana goes quick and takes awhile (what seems like forever in combat) to get back. Also i think the blue potions, as rare as they are, should give more to the player, like amp up spells such as shooting 3 missiles instead of one or making them home in on enemies, wind becomes a tornado or just a lethal knock back, fire would gust out all around the player instead of just a gout, but these are some suggestions for blue potion.

This is a really good game, i used a gamepad however and I had a very hard time in a few time sensitive situations with trying to aim. Side note, i rarely, very rarely, used the shield, fire, and wind. It was just a guilty pleasure gibbing enemies against walls and mowing over many enemies with a rock or something. The final boss was actually a pain to deal with, but a very satisfying challenge. I would like to see another game like this with more things going on magic-wise. Thanks for the experiance.