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Thanks alot! Excited to hear you are creating a game with the characters. Regarding the "Fire Burst", I just added all the projectiles from the video to the asset. please see "SmallScaleInt 2D Projectiles Character Pack"

Thanks! Yes, but with limited number of animations. I mainly added them as a way of shapeshifting for the characters, so animals only have Idle and Run. Im planning on making a full animal pack in the near future:)

Thank you! Its a combination between 3D and hand-painted. I first render out the animations from 3D models, then i fill in the details in photoshop. It takes alot of time but i think the result is worth it!:)

Thanks man! Yes im working on it, aswell as some boss/mobs packs in HD:)

Thank you!

Great ideas! i'll add those to the wishlist for future packs.

Thank you! I have more packs in the pipeline, stay tuned:)

64x64, i'll add that info to the description.

Wow, thank you for the feedback!