0.18 when? :)
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Hey thank you very much! I take that info into my next run. BUT isn't it weird how Lash of Pain is a must have otherwise you literally cant proceed in the game? I dont remember this being the case in the original release of this game. I think in the original you could slay lvl 1 wolfs in the first screen, lvl 2 wolfs on the second etc. So you were never fully stuck just slaying low level stuff would get you further.
But in this version every wolf on every screen is the same and scales beyond what a Worn Dagger can deal with.
Hey "Ferocious Fang" seems to be a weapon but it has no stats attached to it. When I pressed Spacebar at one point at the Goblin TP scene I was talking to an npc in town to give him his quest item. Also I am stuck. I leveled mage and can one shot everything with pyro but the Crocodiles don't let me out of combat and my weapon deals 10dmg to them. They have 600HP because I am level 11. How can I beat them?
Also hovering over talents very often doesn't reveal the tooltip. Green Items have no stats like the shoulderpads. Crocodiles dont reveal dmg done to them.
PC Version 1.01