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Giuseppe D'Addio

A member registered Sep 14, 2018 · View creator page →

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Is there any prize?

Monolithic community · Created a new topic Hello

Am I able to translate it in another language, even just to keep this game alive?

This is an awesome game. Is it possible for me to translate it in Italian?

There's always the tutorial

I'm so glad you managed to put this game in :D Hooray!

Thank you

When will the survey last? Or is it over already?

Hello. I'm near the little white Matoran guy, and he tells me I have to use my elemental powers to free him. Now, those elemental powers are binded by the 1, 2, 3 and 4 numeric buttons. I tried every possible way to summon my elemental powers, but it's not possible, because they don't work. I've tried both keyboards and didn't work, and I can't change comand imputs on the key options menu.

Thanks, didn't check it out before

I just saw that there's a 5.5b update. What's the difference?

Thank you. I have faith you will work out on the victory conditions in a next update.

Bronze Age community · Created a new topic Some questions

I have some questions about this game:

1) Is it possible to translate this game in other languages yet?

2) Is there any victory condition yet?

3) How do I actually embark units? (This is for all three races)

Okay, I've got a problem: how do I scroll down? Because I've got to a point where I can't.

Hey there.

I've recently downloaded your game and I have an issue: even when I choose English language, every next menu, including gameplay, is Indonesian.

Also, I was wondering if it was possible to translate your game in Italian language.

After building the plaza, I can't build any other building for unknown reasons.

I think some new technologies and features should be in order:


Organization - Faster gathering, and unlocks Generalship
Generalship - Allows military units to have formations
Archery - Unlocks Bowman and allows to research Composite Bow
Free Spirit - Allows Healers to be recruited from Town Centers
Shields - Unlocks Spearmen training
Roads - Improves movement speed


Small Sentry Towers
Small Watchtowers
High Food amounts heal wounded units
Maybe even some water in maps

I found a really grave bug. While I was attacking the enemy tribe, my cursor tragically changed to drag selection one for the rest of the game, so I couldn't attack nor move my troops anymore.

There's Polish translation? Then how about an Italian version? I'll gladly translate?

Also Swordsmen and Cavalry. I have this in mind:

Daggermen -> Swordsmen -> Legionnaries

Horsemen -> Cavalrymen -> Cataphracts

Sword units could be more effective against spear units and - moreover - against bow units, while cavalry could be extremely effective against sword and bow units (expecially bow units), but suffer alot against spearmen.

For Cavalry units one could replace Pigs with Cattle, and a Cattle Ranch could unlock the chance to build an Horse Paddock. Horse Paddock doesn't need an horse source, and it needs Wheat to function. Horse Paddock unlocks simple Cavalrymen Stables.

Finally, siege units:

Stonethrowers -> Catapults -> Trebouchets

Siege units require Limestone and Copper to work, as well as  abit of Wood. Can be built on Siege Workshops, of course.

I just figured out that I need trade boats for that. Thanks anyway,

How exactly do I embark units? Do I need a specific unit/ship type?

(1 edit)

I was thinking about putting some pre-made maps, like Italy, Spain or the Mesoamerica, if you didn't plan on something like hat. Maybe an editor would be good, I don't know.

I'm also suggesting some victory conditions, for example the classic ones from Age of Empires: Conquest (destroy all opponents), Wonder (build any wonder before anyone else, such as a Pyramid, a Ziqqurat or an Hanging Garden Complex) or Territory (control the most settlements in a certain time limit).

Oh, okay.

Hello. I was wondering if I could translate this game in Italian. If so, I'd gladly contribute.