get spoted, and walk real close to the student, as if it was a human shield,
Surreal Mayhem
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as Ghost said, Once you're caught is Considered a Game Over, the Struggles are RNG based, and is pure luck if you're able to get the pred to vomit you, using sound to locate the Pred Works BUT is a guessing game, you can't tell exaclty where they are at, if they are above, underneath or same level as you, and that's something you manage over the experience you gain as you play and if you're spoted with BELLA, TULPY and SATIE, get out of sight as quick as possible and sneak.
That's why it's called Nightmare, I've been trying for 4 hours straight the Bella nightmare mode XD
But you're right, it's DANG HARD, pred's Hearing is Granny Level almost, they can hear you throught the Floors, and at the moment you drop something the know exactly where that noise was and they don't give up on chasing that source of sound wich is Horrifying when it happens XD