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Declan Smyth

A member registered Dec 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you~ I definietly have Skye to thank for the lovely art! 

*I really want to add the option for WASD too ahahahaa*

Cheers! The music is so good, I'm so glad when we're able to find some awesome tracks on OpenGameArt~

Thank you~! I really wanted to keep the scope small for this game and work on polishing it as much as possible - I'm glad that came through!

The videos were prerecorded and cast to a SpriteRenderer using Unity's VideoPlayer Component - *I definitely didnt go down a rabbit hole for half a week trying to get the fragments to keep playing the video after they shatteredd.... defffinitely not*

This is super addicting 0.0
I really like the style you went with!

I like the fact that you need to pay attention to where your fire trails are and plan your route ahead of time, it adds a nice twist to the classic platformer puzzle! Really cool~ 

This is a cool game! I really like the atmosphere~

Really love the aesthetic!

Hahaha you showed them humans! Im glad you liked it~

Thank you, we originally had the snakes without the hats but once we saw how amazing they looked with the hats they had to be in the game hahahaa

Thank you good sir~ It was both tricky and fun to make it as well so I'm glad that came through ahaha

Thank you! I had the help of a couple very talented and hard working artists~

Thank you for your suggestions! Truth be told, I avoided thinking about how to make the edge of the world interesting as much as possible ahahah (I only added the colliders to stop you from falling off like 10 minutes before I submitted it 0.0). I've definitely been considering what I can do with the edge of the world and think maybe making a chunk-based infinitely generating world would be a challenging but fun experiment~

I got rickrolled ahahaha

The game and menus feel very polished and I love the music! It reminds me of the music in Banjo & Kazooie.

The atmosphere is so nice and the models/animations look great! I really liked the upgrade system too~