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A member registered 47 days ago

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This game is a great platformer, it's a shame the dev ran from it. 

Of course, and as for immortanjoe95 I know you're frustrated but there's no reason to take it out on the devs. Next time try focusing on WHAT frustrated you instead of WHO  :P

Wow I didn't know the dodge worked like that, thanks for the advice. I never made the connection because every time i dodged it was on accident and it immediately got me GMed. I also didn't know you could jump over small zombies because I tried to jump over a trap yesterday and still got caught. Again thanks for the advice : )

1. Agreed

2. Yes

3. This would be helpful for players like me who want to play strategically and win the game in a unorthodox manner 

4. Again would make the game more tactual and reward players for thinking with both heads xD

5. This one seems like a deliberate decision from the devs, it seemed pretty obvious to me after it happened the first time. otherwise you could cheese the game and get rid of zombies much easier. It makes the gang animations a double edged sword.

No stop asking, if you can't afford 12 bucks for a indie game then don't buy it. There's plenty of other free games, no reason the devs should be heckled for daring to ask for money for something they made. 

Save systems are like airbags in cars, you don't even know they're there until you get into a crash. 

Looking forward to future updates hopefully the game keeps growing, I can see that easily happening if the devs listen to play testing and their fans suggestions. GG

I think 12$ is pretty good price already

Rolling needs to be completely reworked to S+D+D so you cant accidently press it and the jump animation needs to be much faster getting into the air. Also annoying how attacks take so long to execute but I can anticipate enemies and attack when they will walk into the animation. 

Bringing genuine criticism to a game in early development is not crying about being a bad player. We are not 14 year old's picking up our first COD game and screaming in the lobby. The average pleb gamer is not on ITCH.IO playing platformers. 

Bought this game as a guest and i just had to sign up and make a account to levy my frustrations with it. Controls are bad just as another user described most importantly the D and S key combine into a roll or dodge technique which is all well and good until you're carefully fending off the crawlers and accidently roll into one because you wanted to crouch and move at the same time. (This is why most players get stuck on the gym level.)

You would expect to jump when you press the jump key but no you spend several seconds queuing your jump. This means practically you will always fly right into traps as you desperately hop over them to avoid the VERY fast horde behind you. 

The amount of time the animations take is quite long some are shorter than others and i tried using this to my advantage to get past groups of zombies but it's just not worth being grabbed. You might think this is obvious, but contrary to your belief combat is quite difficult as you need to use 4 attacks on the weakest of zombies. 

You're on this awkward edge where you are punished for using the combat system and punished for using the sex system. 

All of this is because of the horde mechanic, where you are instantly KOed if you take too long pushing through the stage. While this doesnt sound too bad on paper let me tell you if you dilly  dally for even 5 seconds you will die. 

The creators genuinely expect you to speed run the game in one or two minutes. Because that's what the horde is a time limit. 

While I believe this horde mechanic is actually quite interesting and fun, it's just too unbalanced right now. Please let us do something to gain more time, maybe by satisfying zombies you get more time on your horde?

If the devs dont want to allow players a way to slow down the horde, then perhaps they should find some way to give players more control over the zombies themselves. 

For instance when you knock zombies down they act as a invisible wall, it would take very little effort to program the zombies to let you pass when they are knocked down.  Maybe not every zombies should be able to be bypassed so easy. But you need to do SOMETHING about this issue.

This game is not bad, it's just very unbalanced and unforgiving. It has amazing visuals (the sound effects  are a little primitive) and smooth crisp animations. The gameplay is  somewhat refreshing and groundbreaking (pun) and it's simple gameplay driven design lends to a lot of replayability. I look forward to seeing where it goes in the future but it is not perfect as of right now.