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A member registered Mar 22, 2021 · View creator page →

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join the discord there is a walkthrough pinned in the spoiler channel

kinda wish you could pay like idk 3k to just straight up upgrade the trashed parts.

really hope the strength quest gets updated soon....can't wait to be able to punish the idiouts were up against without needing help....being a level 4 noob is just....dissapointin

having a walkthrough for yui's route would be great unless the scene with felicha is a scripted loss?

Sometime this week is what their saying on discord

i can see the resemblance with the main girls but...whos roxy  based off of? ive seen to many redheads in movies to tell

yeah depends on how much weirdworld is either changing or adding it tends to take a while...especial seeing as they are only working on unplanned stuff

i don't know i'm just a beta tester and one of the ones who helps with grammar errors

The camera and laptop have no use as the mc in the game is rather poor at the moment hence the next job/jobs you need to do for the crime families....but the update has yet to come out on here anyways (0.6) has more of the story quests on it as well as, maby, some more ntr content

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no as there are currently no "scenes" available for the other shop items other than the regular dildo, also the only way to get money is probably going to be doing quests or helping out characters

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yes, but sometimes it may take longer

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yeah i've seen the same error but it was negligible to point it out for me as someone else already had, also the fact that your left with three unfinished routes(superhero, going back to house to get servant, or cuck/love routes) kinda irked me just a tiny bit.

like twelve....i believe

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makes me wish there were a discord channel for people who are/aren't subscribed but want to add input or improvements for the game.(typo or story flaw-wise)

uh no that only required your power level to be high enough so that his powers wouldn't work on you

uh not sure if its by design or not but reloading a previous save completely empties the inventory

yeah I like how until you have the required strength his powers work on you other wise he runs scared

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ok so I just finished the new update and the only other concern was the second to last felt like there could have been more to the scene with Jake and the two girls... like for example, if your on the ntr route with Liz, like i was, she could have had a scene there, but that being said it just shows that i like your game and cant wait to see how it evolves over the next few months.

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so far the grammars excellent up until the blowjob scene with demi where I'm seeing a few mistakes here or there....other than that ill keep you updated -v-

seing as you can also buy the really big dildo is there any scene for that yet or just the regular one?

your welcome...if you decide on doing so message me here

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Also, weird world, if your looking for a "pet" for the main character I have an unused drawing of a demon tea girl, from when I was in school that's just been collecting dust I can send you a copy sometime if you want -v-

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Well it's once every month or so, it seems, so somewhere in the next few days probably

how does one do the boss battle involving vibes girlfriend i keep getting stuck on it..?

tank ya -v-

when the next update come could you add a way to cheat in moneys?

i agree with the bottom note

after third crisis would you be making a first and second crisis game?