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A member registered May 25, 2020

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I would put "NSFW" and "Adult" in the tags too :) Can't wait to read it when I have time!

maybe this helps

Ok, thx ^^

Is this game sfw?

Would be nice :3

Do you have a twitter? Your art is soo cute <3


Really cool story so far :)

excited for Chapter 2 OwO

Ok, what a dumb answer of me. Since your game is on this platform, I figured I should tell you that I can't download it here (in-app). I don't know if I'm the only one with that problem. I can download it outside of the app though! :)

Yes, thank you! :)

Since update 0.3.0e it says: "This title is hostet on an incompatible third-pary website". :(

I don't think there will be any NSFW stuff cos (without spoiling) there was one scene where you should've seen some pp, but you don't. It's also the cover for this game!

It runs now :)

Sry ^^, 64-bit, Maybe 3 sec. white screen then the app closes.

After the last update, the game won't start anymore :(

No, maybe in later updates!

I'm a little confused, is this game canceled? I really enjoyed it so far :), even though the English is a bit confusing.

If it's more of a horror VN, then i hope there is at least a happy end with Lucas. Hopefully that didn't come across as ungateful, it's a great story so far!

This is really good. Deserves definitely more attention, and Lucas is just the cutest!!!

Now i feel like an idiot just  deleting my post.

Thanks anyway!

He came out of nowhere and was gone out of nowhere.

Wait a min... we had a conversation on "Fero Moans" too XD!! But that topic was serious and it still is :(

Yeah, they add a nice touch!!

Aww, look at little Jayce!! Soo cute :3!!

I hope your project goes well, the animations of your current are so good :) and twitter is... twitter :/!

Roux is so damn cute, i love him! Are there any plans in the future for this game or are you working on something new, If you don't mind sharing that of course? And do you have a twitter :)?

I feel betrayed and sad, i wanted a good ending with him :(

Oh, isn't that tweet a month old or so? I just hope he's alright cos the whole situation is really weird :(

(1 edit)

Where did you hear that, there's nothing on his twitter or any other plattform he's on?