also I don’t know if and how to make a backup if I meddle with the values
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when andrice uses the spell to trap them not in the stomach shes not able to get them out because they are too big. if the animation shows you them putting them in then you should be able to get them out. and they wont disapear no mater how long you wait. i think there should be a spell that lets you teleport stuff out of you i the thing gets too big.
im having a problem. i havent ued deltapatch so its probably me but when i put the files the would seem right in and when i clicked apply patch it had an error saying (: target window checksum mismatch: XD3_INVALID_INPUT) i dont know if i selected the worng one or am just doing it wrong. i did make sure the checksum application was checked.
i have a problem where the robots arm gets stuck holding the door when they pick it up. this leads them to walk around while their hand is hanging onto the door making it go to them but since the door is semi fixed in place i swings into a position that is a straight line to the robot hand that is connected to it. doesnt matter if you detach the arm for the arm will try to position itself to the handle regardless if it is on the opposite side of the door. its hard to describe so i did my best.